Each performance went off with a blast but all I wasn't really as into it, my mind being in a different place. I can't stop thinking about
(y/n). I feel as if I need to learn more about this person. Though I know I probably shouldn't bother Freddy about them anymore since it was quite obvious it's a touchy subject. I didn't quite get all the details from his mumbling but it's obvious he saw something horrific.

After the finale show we all head back to our rooms, though I didn't. I walked to Monty's room, he might know and be able to talk about them. I excamined his area as I walk up to the door. It was odd. Everyone's rooms had a big glass panel looking into their rooms so the guests could see them but Monty's. It's blocked out with a warning sign on it, the sounds of slamming coming from inside.

I hesitate as I knock on his door, the slamming stopped. It fell silent for a minute and I knock on it again. This time Monty responds from the other side of the door.
"Yeah? Who's there?"

"It's me. Ra-"

The door slung open catching me off guard as Monty stood in front of me. He leaned against his doorframe as he moves his glasses down. He looks me over and smiles.
"What's up?"

"Can we talk?"

He nods and steps out of the way, geastureing me to walk in. I slowly walk in as I excamined the room, it was darker then the others. Claw marks were everywhere. As I'm looking around the room I turn to face Monty to find him looming over me. I was slightly shorter then him and I step back. As I make eye contact with the gator, his eyes glowing. He grins at me and I sigh.

"I want to ask about something- well someone." I step back which in response he steps forward. He seemed to be loving how small I felt compared to him. I shake my head, trying to get rid of the thought and I cross my arms.

"It's about the security guard-"

"Vanessa? What about h-" He raised an eyebrow at me as I cut him off.

"No. Not her. I want to know about (y/n)."

He tenses up at the name and gives me an odd look, as he walks around me heading over to the couch. He sat back down at the couch as his eyes glued on me. He leans his left elbow on his knee as he rests his head in his hand.
He sighs as he slowly began to speak.
"How did you hear that name?"

"A missing flyer."
He nods and sits up straight. As he pats the spot on the couch next to him. I walk over and sit down by him as he looks up to the ceiling. He lets out a sigh and looks to me.

"(Y/n) was a security guard here. For a year. Then one day they vanished. They were highly loved here, by all of us. None of us loved them like Freddy though. Heck, they loved Freddy too. They told me, the wanted Freddy to make the first move. He was too dense to see it. Though me and Bonnie hinted at it- oh yeah ya haven't met Bonnie. He was the bunny dude that stood in your spot." I slowly nod as I gesture for him to continue. He sighs and removes his glasses, wiping them with his shirt as she spoke.

"Well- Bonnie decided to tell him straight up. That he needed to confess before they decide to stop waiting. Not exactly those words. I wasn't there but it was probably much nicer. Then-" He huffs and looks to me.

"They were gone. Freddy never got the chance. It messed him up pretty bad though he hides it well. I know him though. I know when he is acting. I remember the day they went missing. I was walking to the stage when I heard Freddy screaming. I've never heard him scream like that-" He paused and looks down.

"He cried out they are dead. The pain in his voice- it hurt me. I don't know what Freddy saw. I don't think I want to know. I heard from Bonnie that Vanessa said it was a blood bath and it was quite obvious it was no accident. They never found who did it. After that, we refused to perform for a week. We all missed them. They were family." He puts his glasses back on, pushing them up.

"They would make sure we were all happy and would crack the stupidest jokes at us. What I would do to hear them tell another dad joke now." He looks back up to me, our eyes meeting. His eyes were full of sadness.
He quickly gets up and dust himself off as he looks to me.
"Welp, is that all you needed?"

I got up slowly got up and open my mouth to speak but he ushered me out of his room before I could.
"Oh? Nothing? Okay. Welp. Bye. Goodnight." He says as he shuts the door in my face. I huff in annoyance and start walking back to my room. I take a step into my room, looking around. My room was very plan compared to the others. I walk over to the vanity to find a note.

"Hello, Rae. I didn't get time to actually talk to you about what you have to do as your night routine. There is a few rules. Stay in your room after closing hours unless told to leave. Secondly, when you are ready to rest step into the recharging chamber. You will need the energy for the next day, if you don't you will shut down. Last but not least, watch out for intruders and turn them into me.
From Vanessa." I read out loud as I sigh, I glance around my room to see if there was anything to do to waste time. Absolutely nothing. I huff and walk over to a door, it lead to a back room with a large tube looking thing with a lightning bolt on it. This must be the recharging chamber, I open the door and step inside. Might as well rest. I shut my eyes as I drift off to sleep.



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