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  IO WAS GONE for longer than he'd expected. Nervousness bit away at Louis as seconds ticked by, as minutes passed and she did not return. He'd been suspicious enough when she was brought away. Now he was downright worried.

  He glanced around. Castrillo's expression didn't look the best either. They both worried. Because they knew Io was still mortal, flesh and bone. The twins knew her as a legend, they knew her as a human.

  Louis glanced at the innkeeper, eyes narrowed. "Where is she?"

  The man didn't even pretend to not understand. "She'll be alright, sir, don't fret."

  "You led her away in a strange place, and it's been at least twenty minutes since she's gone. How can I not fret?"

  The innkeeper shrugged. "She's in safe hands."

  "With who?" Louis demanded.

  "I'm well acquainted with Miss Jiang. Your friend would be perfectly alright, have a bit of patience."

  "Miss Jiang?" Castrillo asked, brows scrunching up together. "Jiang?"

  "Aye," the innkeeper replied, face blank. "Miss Jiang, sir. Are you not acquainted with her?"

  Jiang. Louis tried to recall the name from his mind, blinking before realising who he was talking about. "Jiang. Rhysa Jiang. The Iron Wolf. The Saians sent the Briar?"

  "Well, I don't know about that," the innkeeper replied with a shrug, "but she's here and she says she wishes to see Miss Mi, so..."

  "You know her name." Louis' eyes narrowed on the innkeeper. "Who are you?"

  "Exactly who I say I am, unlike all of you," he replied tightly. "I've been a friend of Miss Jiang for a long time, don't you worry, you're all perfectly safe here."

  "You're a Saian spy?"

  "Not precisely," he replied, "I just offer a bit of aid when necessary." He smoothed his clothes. "They're taking a slight bit longer than I originally expected, but I'm sure they have much to catch up on. Tea, anyone?"

  "It's almost six o'clock in the evening," Anita reminded, clearly confused.

  "Well, it's not as if any of you will actually be in your rooms sleeping tonight, so I don't think a bit of tea would hurt." No ordinary innkeeper seemed accurate. If he was an ally of the Briar, it made him an ally to all of them.

  Rhysa Jiang. The first female Iron Wolf, and the only one during the war. Female wiccai were ridiculously rare for some reason, and those who were usually lived in the Hatlen Isles, where traditional gender stereotypes were still heavily followed. Hence, most of them were unskilled with their powers and forced into a domestic role. Unfair, the amount of potential lost through that.

  Maybe once Vayante was stable, he'd turn his attention to the Hatlen Isles. It wasn't right for so many wiccai to have to live secluded. Today's climate was nowhere as hostile towards them as a hundred years ago, and many had already come out to find jobs and explore the world—that was how the Saians had recruited most of their Iron Wolves. A separated safe haven had lost its purpose long ago. He, as another wiccai, could help with that.

  But not yet. The mission first. Retrieve Bailen's children, ensure the Vayantean political situation was stable. That was the most important thing right now. The Hatlen Isles had managed to handle themselves for a hundred years, a few minutes of neglect would not kill them.

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