-Chapter Eight- Light of the Sun

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The festive party proceeded exactly as Finikis had hoped. All his guests attended and he took enormous gratification in displaying the Sword and Shield of Bergmane, reunited. It was the centrepiece on his dining hall wall. Oliver enjoyed the evening as one could. He knew only one of the guests that attended and he spent most of the night avoiding those he didn't; who kept trying to talk to him about the troubles back home. Oliver was in no mood to talk about the Dark Lord, the Ministry or whether he felt anyone could stop his homeland turning to darkness.

The familiar face at the party was that of Henry Rashmore, his Auror colleague from back in the day. Henry was still on assignment in the Baltic States. His mission was working on behalf of the Ministry, shoring up support and seeing backing from every other magical institution. Most Ministries, Departments and Bodies all offered their support in words, in statements, but there was little to no actual resources provided. Henry believed that was down to fear, he knew as everyone in that room did, the Dark Lord's reach extended far and wide and he was certainly one for punishing those that stood against him. Very few people outside of Britain and Ireland were brave enough to join a fight that they could simply avoid. Why join a dangerous war if it wasn't going to directly affect you.

Henry didn't have the luxury of avoiding the conversations about what was happening back in Britain. He had to take every opportunity he could to make inroads with powerful foreign nobility. He didn't waste any opportunities about sharing the message and trying to bring anyone into the fold. It was exhausting and he was glad to get some free time with Oliver. The pair shared a large bottle of wine and reminisced about their early careers. Oliver introduced Henry to Finikis, who was eager to enquire about the Archduke's family heritage, particularly  the Bergmane Sword and Shield. He even enquired about the stories behind the Domantas Bracelet. Finikis didn't reply in any great detail to those questions, he simply directed a smile to Oliver. The ex-Auror had to explain to his former colleague about his assignment to locate the Sword and that is why he decided to stay in Latvia. The discussion touched on why Oliver was still there, which resulted in him confiding slightly. A story of how he was now looking for the Domantas bracelet at the request of Finikis, left his lips. A lie underpinned by a semblance of truth.

The party ended and December soon raced by. Oliver enjoyed spending the festive period in the large castle and with Finikis and Jynx. The three had spent many nights talking and drinking and just enjoying conversation. However, as they entered the New Year, Oliver knew his entire focus needed to be on the hunt for the bracelet. He was soon back to spending every waking hour in the library, looking through books, and when no one was around taking out Radoslav's journal.

Late one evening in the first week of January, when everyone in the castle was asleep, he took out the book and read one of the chapters that he was most transfixed by.

The spell has worked. I believe. I followed the ritual that I deciphered as recorded, but one thing remains. The charm doesn't work as fully intended; I am not impervious to all spells. Although I do not feel the full intensity of the hexes and curses cast upon me. I still feel enough. Instead of fire spells scorching my skin, I am left with a burning sensation, sometimes to the point it is too painful and debilitating. Instead of being stunned by a stunning spell, I am hit like being punched. From all the accounts that I have read, I should feel nothing.

It is clear I will need to return to the Draconis caves and confront the vessel. I am confident they will have answers to this mystery. Why does it not work properly for me? It does not work as it did for Domantas.

The short entry was enough to get Oliver's interest peaked. He had read it at least thirty times. He had searched so many books in the library looking for reference to the Draconis cave. He even searched for records of it in the local muggle libraries and local maps. There was nothing. He had no idea what was meant by the Draconis cave nor where to find it. It was the strongest clue in all the entries in the diary, but despite his efforts, it was becoming a dead end.

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