Make up my mind

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Going out into the rain isn't really something Illumi likes to do, he's more of a dry and high fella. Nevertheless, he nabbed an umbrella from his kitchen and set off the location Takemichi gave him even if it was a graveyard. He's really got to take to his friend about appropriate hang-out areas cause the blond is picking very questionable places.

With quiet steps, he had made it into the graveyard to see not only Takemichi but also Chifuyu, Mikey, and Draken all in front of a plaque labeled 'Sano family grave'. Illumi felt it was best if he didn't announce his presence feeling like it would be disrespectful. He stayed back a few feet away from the group but close enough to hear what was going on and being said.

"I see..." Mikey uttered, "So you heard older brother."

"Shinichiro was an awesome guy," Draken said with a fond voice lost in the past.

"Yeah." Mikey agreed somberly.

"Takemitchy...we know too. We know that the past incident can't be undone." Draken said. "Baki and Kazutora didn't intend for that to happen."

The rain pelted the umbrella unrelenting and harsh.

"'s too late to change what happened," Mikey said with tired eyes looking like all he wanted to do was sleep. "I know that."

The dead look served to concern Illumi, it was far more wrung out than the usual blank stare.

"But deep down, I can't accept it. The CB250T that Baji and Kazutora were trying to steal...was the one my brother rode."

"What?" Takemicchi huffed in disbelief.

"It was supposed to be my birthday present," Mikey admitted. "That CB250T's a memento from my brother." He stared at the bike he always rode nowadays before turning over his shoulder. "Now it's my beloved ride."

Illumi was saddened by the story, it was truly an unfortunate hand of fate, and Mikey looked shattered, like a fine piece of china that was put back together using the art of Kintsugi making it look beautiful but still never truly whole.

"It's been two years since then. I've forgiven Baji. but...even if he didn't know," Mikey dawned to the look of someone so cold it burned. "I can't forgive Kazutora for killing my brother." He turned dead eyes to the other three finally catching the sight of Illumi in the background. He looked like a reaper of death come to collect those overdue. "And I can't forgive Baji for siding with him either!"

Mikey turned to whole way staring at Illumi even as he addressed Takemichi. "Takemitchy...I told you to bring Baji back, didn't I? So why's his team's vice-captain here...but Baji isn't. What do you want to accomplish? You really wanna die that badly?"

Mikey's looked were getting increasingly more unstable and Illumi moved a few feet forward in caution. Mikey saw and took one of his own forward he was still the only person to have noticed the unspoken addition.

"Mikey..." Takemicchi trailed. He had the words he wanted to say but so many things were going through his head, Baji, Hina, Kisaki. So many things he had to prevent but only himself to do so. It felt like he was floating in an endless abyss with nothing to weigh him down until something was thrown over his shoulder. It was a darkly clad arm, coiled muscles and deceiving strength.

"Why he wants to be the top guy in Toman, ain't that right, Micchi?"

Illumi left his hidden placement and had strolled up to his friend seeing the tremors of stress line his shoulders. Sometimes a good hug and knowing someone is there for you is something desperately needed. Illumi is always ready to help his friends when needed.

"He'll make you realised that someday, Mikey." Illumi smiled softly. "That's what he wants to accomplish."

Not long after the five split up.

"H-ha," Draken huffed under the thundering of rain. "That Takemitchy guy..what an idiot. And Illumi? So damn loyal."

"Yeah..." his blond friend said with a quirk of his lips.

When they were a good few blocks away from the gravesite Illumi wasted no time in giving Chifuyu a clip around the ear.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"Just what exactly are you doing walking around the city like this? Have you forgotten you're injured and need sleep for recuperation?!" Illumi hissed very displeased.

"I'll have you know that I am within perfectly good functioning condition!"

"Why you little-"

The two were broken from their spat by Takemicchi laughing up a storm.

"Hey you better check yourself, man" Chifuyu advised. "You went way beyond failing to read the mood there."

"Excuse you~ I was only saying what Micchi was thinking!" Illumi said affronted.

"...yeah I guess so..." Takemicchi said nervously laughing. "Why did I even think that."

"...what?" CHifuyu said highly confused. "You were actually thinking that? Illumi wasn't just making shit up?"

"Hmm no, Illumi's always been able to practically read my mind, we could have a whole conversation without me saying a word if needed."

"Cool," Chifuyu sounded impressed. "How about this?" the blond said before extending his hand.


"I'll help you become Toman's leader. So, help me out with what I wanna do!" Chifuyu proposed earnestly.

"Does that mean you think I can really be the top guy in Tonan?"

"Not one little bit." Chifuyu shots him down causing Illumi to splutter in half-choked laughter.

"You makin' fun of me?!"

"But I will help you," Chifuyu promises.

Takemichi looks at him, "Understood! I'll help you out too!"

Illumi swings his arms around the two as the three walk in the rain, his little blondies.

"I'm counting on you, Partner!"

"By the way, we're the same age, so you don't have to be all polite and formal with me, Takemitchy. Be more relaxed like Illumi."

"We are..the same age?" Takemichy said at the same time Illumi gasped, "You're the same age?!"

"I thought you were like twelve Chifuyu." Illumi mused.

"Wow, rude. I'm thirteen."

"First off," Chifuyu said. "I wanna do a thorough investigation of the connection between Kisaki and Valhalla!"

"Any leads?" Takemichi asked.

Chifuyu took the two to some workshop where they were greeted by the sight of some broad teenager that neither of them knew.

"Guys," Chifuyu said. "This is Naki, the former vice-captain of Moebius and Osanai's most close friend."

The look on Illumi's face was anything but pleasant.

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