Weird glares and jittery Camilo's

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(I also forgot to mention that Carlos will be in this book, along with people being out of character 🤠👍)


"Ughhhh" You groaned as your eyes were met with an unfamiliar ceiling. If that was possible. You blinked trying to get your vision to not be blurry. You sat up, but then realized that it was incredibly hot outside. You blinked in surprise and looked down at yourself. You weren't in the same clothes that you were in before. You looked like Isabella and Camilo put together. You got out of the bed and realized with the newfound information, you are now in the movie Encanto! 

You gulped and headed outside. Just as you stepped outside you are almost crushed by Luisa walking by carrying a lot of donkeys. You scurry to the side just barely almost being crushed. She seemed to notice you and her eyes widened. Was this at the beginning of the movie? Or are you wrong? Or was this where she sings about how much pressure she was in since the day that she was given her gift. 

She mutters an apology. Also something else that you had missed. You started to walk through the town hearing music. Music? I guess this is the beginning of the movie where Mirabel is singing at how cool her family is and how helpful they are. You blink at how sad this truly is. Always promoting others before herself. You smile though as you recognize how selfless she truly is.

You walk past her noticing she as at the part where she was introducing Camilo for the first time. He looks at you and a pink hue covers his face like wildfire. He grins as his eyes widen. You feel uncomfortable and you quickly walk away looking down at your feet. You gulp and try to walk quicker and quicker. Hearing footsteps behind you. You trip but are caught to your surprise. 

You hesitantly turn your head around to be met with, Mirabel! You honestly thought it would've been Camilo. You do read a lot of fanfictions and that would've been the most reasonable of options. You peek your head around Mirabel, you noticed that you saw Camilo death glaring at Mirabel. Noticing that you were looking at him, he quickly changes his gaze and aura to a cheerful one. You tried to get out of Mirabel's grasp and quickly walk away, not before shouting an apology. 

You raced to a nearby shop that seems to sell groceries. You smile as you saw, you were practically loaded! You bought the groceries and headed back to your 'home' you blinked and opened the door. You smiled as you set the groceries down on the ground. You headed towards the kitchen, taking the groceries with you, you see a note on the counter where you put the groceries down. You take it and read it. It read,

'Y/N my darling,
I hope you find this world to suit your needs.
It was rather troublesome to bring you here because you scream
rather loud. It's annoying.
But alas, I have finally ridded you from the horrible world that you lived in, you call home
As a suitable punishment, for your life at which you called horrible, 
Your in a world that is not all that it seems.
Be careful.

You tsk at this and groan, realizing that this 'author' person is probably who brought you here. You set down the note and try to think about a plan to escape. Thus, in vain, you give up and look at the note again, seeing something written on the back of the page. A to-do list. More specifically, YOUR to-do list in this world. Not much was written, like always. The house that this so called 'author' gave you was kind of small. They did seem powerful since they were able to bring you here.

You got up and got to work. You thought it wouldn't take to much time since the chore list is rather small. Well that time, turned into hours. The chores were long and tedious. No wonder why people always in these type of movies sweat a bunch. It was hot outside! Plus there was no AC. Which was a extremely important part of  your undoing. You are tired, you are hungry, and you are extremely warm. You feel as though, are in a volcano. You flinch when you hear a knock on the door, coming from outside. It was rather loud and obnoxious. 

You walked to the door, looking through the small peep hole. Seeing two people, Camilo and Antonio. How the hell did they know where you live? You gulp and open the door. You shake off the uneasy feeling and faced them. Trying not to act weird. You did always simp for the teenager, and Antonio was such a sweet cinnamon role. But you didn't like him like that. After all, you are a teenager, and he is a child. All three of you are minors in total. 

You looked at Camilo, and he had this indescribable look on his face. Like he was trying to take in everything that you ever had to offer. Your eyes the most though. He blushed and started to speak. "Hi there my names Camilo! It looks like your new, I haven't seen you around before. If that's the case, mind if I give ya a tour?" He asked as he gave you a smug smirk. Trying to be kind and flirty and the same time. You looked back at the house. The one that is now your new home, and turn your attention back to him. 

He gave a looked that almost looked like he was about to loose it. Was he that attention starved? Or was he just practically begging for your attention. You held out your hand in return and said, "Yeah I am new, My names Y/N, Nice to meet you!" You said cheerfully. trying to make it seem that you didn't feel weary around your past online 'crush.' You always and the entire fandom thought he was rather handsome or cute. In your opinion, you thought he was cute. 

"I don't mind if you give me a tour either, I really need to learn my place around here anyway." You stated as an attempt at sounding unsure but not bossy like either. He seemed to perk up at your answer, and dragged you out of your house. He had been holding on rather tightly to your hand. Seemed like he was planning on dragging you out of your house and taking you on a tour without your consent anyway.

Hopefully anybody that I meet won't be as chaotic as they are in the movie.

(' oh how wrong you were :) ')


1130 words

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