Wish I never have to come back {Chapter 5}

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Marcy's POV:

Marcy let out a yawn as she rubbed her tired eyes, she noticed she wasn't inside of her fancy house. She was relieved she wasn't in that dull house and she inside of the core of her childhood house, she sat up to hop off of bed as she looked out of her window to find that her mail box was upwards. She hoped it wouldn't be what she expected the letters would be, she went to her open her closet to change out of her pajamas. As she went out of her house to check whats inside of her mail box, some where just simple taxes until she saw something deep into the box. She feared this day would come and she couldn't believe it at all, she reached for the letter inside of the box as she opened the letter. Her eyes widen, this couldn't be happening? Why right now? Why... Her hand shook as she read what's on the letter, she went back inside of her house closing the door as she did. She fell slowly her back leaning against the front door, as tears starts to fall from her face she didn't want to leave this town again after just coming back 3 days ago. This is too fast, she have to decline the offer, but what if her father gets mad at her? This was important news, and he was the King's assistant too... She'd wipe the tears off her face as she let out a soft sniff, thinking about this more. She only have two months to stay at Wartwood, and that isn't enough for the royals at all. Marcy curled up into a ball as she started to cry softly again, quietly sobbing inside of her slightly empty house.

"heya Mar Mar, why are you sitting on the floor crying?"

Marcy heard a familiar voice as she look up to see the lieutenant of Wartwood, Anne, staring down at her sad ball.


Marcy stuttered as she wiped off the tears once again, as she beemed Anne with a fake smile. Trying to hide her sadness from her, despite Anne already seeing her cry...

"I-I didn't notice you coming in.. What are you doing here?"

"I came in to check on you but..."

Anne replied as she sat beside Marcy, as she looked at Marcy directly to the eyes with a worried expression.

"is there something wrong?"

Anne asked, as Marcy let out a sigh. Anne is too great when it comes to feelings, she could already tell if she was what her emotions were without even looking at her. Because of this, Marcy could barely even hide a secret or even hide anything at all. Her fake smile fade into a genuine frown, as she looked away from Anne who was still looking at her expression.

"my dad sent me a letter just now... He wants me to take his place for the ceremony tonight... I know it's a great opportunity!... But... I can't bare alot of people looking at me,, plus, the King himself would be watching me too! It scares me the idea of people staring at me! What if I say something wrong? What if I don't look good enough? What if... I don't fit the role at all..."

Marcy said with a sad tune, curling up into a ball afterwards feeling in the urge of tears as she did as she continued to explain to Anne.

"a-and not only that scares me... I... Don't want to leave this town just yet... I have been waiting... Almost my whole middle school and high school years j-just to see you and the town folk's again... And I don't want to leave you behind just yet... I just wish everything could just go the way I wanted it do be..."

Marcy said finishing it on that as tears start to pour from her eyes, Anne with a worried expression yet empathy filled her heart. She could tell how Marcy feels about her situation, she places a hand on Marcy's back before giving her a tight yet conforting hug. Marcy's eyes widen with Anne's sudden action, as she was finally on the edge of it. She started to sob as hard as she could take, while Anne gently pat her head while making light circles behind Marcy's back. Marcy doesn't know why Anne does that very time she's upset, in anyway it was still comforting for her either way. After what felt like hour or two of Marcy crying her eyes out, Anne looked down to see a messed up, stressed, scared, and adorable Marcy. Anne cupped Marcy's wet cheek causing the girl who was snuggling against her to look up at her, Anne give her a comforting smile before speaking.

"are you good now?"

Marcy was too tired from crying so much she couldn't reply to Anne's question, she simply gave Anne a slight nod looking down as Anne's smile faded a bit as she continued.

"Marcy... Look at me..."

Anne said as Marcy did what she told her to do.

"I know it's terrifying to go in front of people to speak out a speech, and even in front of the King himself. And I know you don't want to leave us behind again as well, it's painful to see you go again so soon since we only get to see each other only once in two years... But you are strong Mar Mar, you have faced bigger threat than the ones I've ever encountered before. And just like you in the speech I never wanted to be the General of the town, I just wanted to be a normal guard of the town and have a average amout of money.. But.. I still got the role either way even if I didn't want to, but you still got a choice right? You're father is not gonna put you into things you aren't comfortable of doing, and besides, you're 19 you have you're own ways in life now and you're father has no other choice."

Anne said as she booped Marcy's nose, causing both of them to chuckle as Marcy smiles at Anne finally.

"thanks Anne... You're always the best of the bestest."

Marcy said as she snuggled at Anne's chest, Anne blushed a bit as she give her a smile back giving her a light headpat and hugging her.

"anything for you.. Mar Mar.."

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