Be Careful With My Heart

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Walking alone in park, watching how the trees sway. Feeling the cold wind, when suddenly my chest hurts and I almost collapse.

"No, not again..." I said to myself as I immediately pull my medicines from my pocket and drinks it.

My heartaches, like literally, heartaches.

I have been dealing with arrhythmia ever since I was 16, It's a diseases which causes the heart to beat irregularly.

When I calmed down, I continue to walk again when suddenly...


"Miss? Miss?" a sweet voice woke me up, as I opened my eyes, I saw a man with an angel-like beauty.

"Am I dead? Why am I seeing an angel?" I got up as the guy laughed.

"No, you're not dead. You collapsed earlier." he explained.

I observe my surroundings, "Am I at the hospital?"

"Yeah, you are. I just don't know what to do when I saw you earlier, so I rushed you here."

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much."

"I heard from the doctor, you have a heart disease, are you aware of that?" he leans towards me as I nodded.

"I'm sorry, I'm Joshua, by the way." He held out his hands waiting for me to accept it.

I also reach for his hand, "I'm Y/N"

We just met but I was already attach with him.

After that day, he continues to visit me to the hospital, everyday.

"You're finally going out tomorrow..." he smiled.

"Yeah, let's hang out, okay?"

"Yes, of course."

My hearts beats faster when I see him, is this because of my disease or I'm just in love?

I glanced at him once again, I felt my chest aches again, he noticed it and immediately called the nurses.

I collapsed again.

I woke up without Joshua by my side but I could see him from the door crack talking to the doctor.

He entered the room with a gloomy face but when he notice that I was awake he smiled.

"Am I going to die?" I asked him.

"Don't say that... you're going to live okay? We still need to hang out." He fake laughs I could see he sadness in his eyes.

I know I'm going to die.

"The doctor said you need to find a heart donor as soon as possible." he added

"Joshua..." I called him, I finally gather all my courage to confess to him, "I want to at least say it before that day happens, even if I'm going to be rejected today, I love you Joshua."

He was shocked, the sadness in his eyes faded away, he hugged me, "I'm happy to know I'm not the only one feeling that, I love you too."

Starting that day, we became lovers. He visits me in the hospital and gives me flowers everyday.

"Y/N" My mom called me out as she enter the door, "We finally found a heart donor." she said.

"Really? Can I see him or her?"

"Sorry, but he said he doesn't wanted to stay anonymous."

I sighed, I'm not allowed to see the person who'll save me?

"Hello." I heard cheerful voice entering the room. "Hello, tita." he hugged my mom.

"Joshua, I miss you." I hugged him as he kissed me on my forehead. "We finally found a heart donor!" I excitedly said.

"Oh really? Can we see him?"

"But he said he wanted to say anonymous."

"That's sad."

He place the flowers he brought to the vase on the table beside my bed.

"Those are pretty flowers." I said

"Not as pretty as you." he smirked.

We continue to talk about each other's day. I'm happy just to see him, I'm so thankful for the donor, because of him I will be able to spend more time with Joshua.

The day of the surgery comes, "Y/N, Joshua texted and said he'll be late today, and said he's sorry for not being here."

I smiled at her, "It's okay mom, tell him, to take his time."

The nurse came in and took me to the surgery room.


It was already morning when I woke up, the surgery was a success. I saw my mom sleeping beside my bed. She must have been worried.

I checked the flowers beside my bed to see if Joshua already came. But that was still the last flower he gave.

I sighed, "Where could he be?"

"If you mean Joshua, he said he's going back to his hometown and will be back in a week or two." my mom suddenly spoke.

I felt relief hearing that.

A week had already passed, he's still not here, and at the same time, I am finally discharge.

I was happy to see the beautiful sky outside, I spread my arms, "Thank you so much!"

"Oh yeah, Y/N?" my mom called me as I faced her. She handed me a note with an address on it, "This is where Joshua is...Be careful okay?" She then left after she helped me got into a car.

I was humming while we're on a trip.

The car stopped.

"We're here, ma'am." said the driver.

"Thank you...please wait me here." I added.

I didn't look around the place and was busy staring at Joshua sitting under the tree.

"Joshua!" I shouted as I ran towards him to hug him. "I miss you."

He smiled at me and handed me a bouquet of flowers, "I miss you too! I'm happy to see you, again."

"How was your vacation on your hometown?"

"It was good, I saw my mom, my dad and even my grandmother. They look so happy." he smiled.

"Let's hang out today.."

"I hope we can. I can't." his eyes started to become gloomy. "I need to go back to my parents." he smiled.

"Are you going to stay at your hometown?"

"No..." he stood up and so I was. "Y/N, I will miss you, don't forget that I always love you. Be careful with my heart." He said

I raised my head but I didn't see him. I roamed my eyes around, finding him. My attention went to this things on the ground, it's a ceramic rectangular shape with a name on it,

'Joshua Hong'

My eyes widened, "J-Joshua?"

'Be careful with my heart' his phrase flashed back into my ears, "N-No, don't tell me.." My eyes started to blur because of my tears, "You were the donor?" I closed my eyes and his image appears,he was smiling and walked away from me. I heard his voice,

"Live your life to the fullest! I love you."

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