Impostor among us

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It was nerve-wracking for Jake as he and the other cremated wait for their untimely death in this twisted game of death. Having to wait for the impostor to show them before mindlessly murdering them. As their souls began wondering about in the afterlife. He didn't want to become them those before him did. Jake was utterly terrified.

Michael was a alien disguised as a human in a astronaut suit. A commanding sneer was all that was hid behind his helmet. If he were to take it off than the monster in him would have no choice but to devour the helpless soul. It wasn't fun nor was it appetising either. The human here tashed sour and decay. Revolting he may say. But there was one that had caught his eye. The innocent cremate Jake Park. What a fine specimen he was. Such a beauty. Michael had almost wanted to breed the male right there and then, when they had first saw each other. When he had first infortraited the spacestaion.

Like any other day up in space while having to fear of being the next to be murdered by an rampaging alien. Everyone had been called to a meeting and already have begun to argue and blame one another. It was almost entertaining for Michael as he witnessed it all having to watch the innocent lives being thrown out of the hatch to suffericate. It was almost exciting.

Jake was nervous as he was unaware of multiples of deaths on the ship. They may have already gotten one impostor out already but their was still one more left. That's what frightens him the most. Because he didn't know he was the last one left.

Michael stalked his prey watching them fix the complex mechanics. It had made him hungry but not yet he has to make them his pet first. Walking over to the male he pulled then away from finishing their wires. Dragging them down the halls into medical room where it's filled with beds. Forcing Jake on one he teared through the humans clothes untill they are no more. Ripping them into shreds.

"Now let the fun begin."

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