Though we shall all kicketh the bucket, w'rds and mem'ries art imm'rtal

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Though we shall all kicketh the bucket, w'rds and mem'ries art imm'rtal

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Though we shall all kicketh the bucket, w'rds and mem'ries art imm'rtal. 

The title of this book is Early Modern English. So Shakespeare was living under the Elizabethan Era, where at the time, they spoke Early Modern English.

So the title means 'Though we will all die, words and memories are immortal'. 

If you dare, flap the pages and enter the world of poetry, tragedy and romance!!! 

Be prepared, 

Don't be despaired,

Life has so much to give,

So enjoy and follow your dream lives!!!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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