Team blue finds out

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It was a free day,Blue was out shopping

Hannah:this is fun day

Diana:indeed it was

As they continued on Hannah happened to notice Akko from a distance waiting for something

Hannah:look who it is

Hannah nuged Barbara, pointing at Akko direction Diana would also turn to see what she was pointing at

Barbara:looks like she all alone

Both Barbara and Hannah snickered,Diana only shocked her head in disappointment at her friends

Diana:know there's no need for tha-

Before she could finish that say a guy,who's a little taller then akko Barbara and Hannah recognized this person

Hannah:wasn't t-that the guy the nurse stiched up


They watched as Y/n came up to akko,Akko ran towards him and jumping on him catching her,she wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him on the lips

Hannah and Barbara:HUH!?

Diana:what's this?

Y/na amd akko went off to continue on there day while bule team shocked

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