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So sorry I haven't been active but I've been dealing with my mental health bc Wattpad makes me mentally ill /j but I'll be posting more often should I make like 20 of these if so COMMENT IDEAS u want to see!!

                                Y/N POV
Today is the first day of nsb you're so scared you don't know what ppl are gonna think of you it's really stressing you out you haven't even got out of bed and got ready for the day.

                            The boys POV
Oli: guys where's Y/N??
Seb: Yeah where is tht little bug
Kane: she's still sore from last night😹
                  *justins face turns red*
S: Justin?
Uhm yeah uh she wasn't feeling good so she just stayed sleep.
Darren: tht dick got her sick💀
Justin: bro don't talk abt her tht way
Oli: Alright guys chill out Justin go check on her everybody get dressed we're abt to take the first video of nsb
           * everyone claps cheers and leaves *
Justin goes upstairs to check on Y/N just to see her in tears laying down
She notices him and wipes her face right away still having a red face,watery eyes, and tear covered eyelashes
He says, " Omg y/n are you okay??" Genuinely curious which had her feeling special she gets up and replied, " yeah *sniffles* it's just allergies"
Justin knew she was obviously lying he knew what was bothering her so he teased " so ur allergic to ur bed pillow and clothes?" She laughed "obviously 🙄" he giggled following with a " or is it bc nsb" the room turned tense she sits up while he's sitting on the bed staring deeply into her eyes as they water more and tears fall down her face.
" YES. Yes yes yes yes it's nsb it's so fucking stressful idk what ppl are gonna think"
Justin nods comfortably and sits his hand on y/ns thigh making her tears stop and made her feel relaxed.
"Y/n, there's always gonna be haters when ur as perfect as you. You just gotta own it it doesn't matter what ppl say if u feel like this is for u then DO IT.  Don't stress or cry either it's gonna be a easy day everyone's gonna love you !<3" making y/n feel so very brave confident and comfortable. And so she Kissed him. Not just a peck, a full long kiss. He didn't pull away he liked it, loved it even. He  sat his left hand in her thigh and his right hand on her face she moved his hand up her thigh and he stops for a second asking " are you sure?" She nods for consent and so he went along with it she pushes him on the bed " I love when a woman takes control" making you need and crave him even more he grabs ur hips pulling u on top of him u start grinding your lower body against his hard meat you pull his shirt up and he takes on ur belt his and ur clothes are off and now you're fs ready. You stop making him worried " I'm not sure we should do this what if the boys hear us" y/n says scared " stay quiet trust me:)" he says while kissing ur lips and licking u from ur chin to ur clit he starts going fast with his tongue making you moan and groan in pleasure " MY GOD JUSTIN" he covers ur mouth u get on your knees which made u have a mouth full of Justin he's the one moaning and groaning " damn y/n ur too good babe" making u happy so u go faster and more passionate "OH NO I THINK IM GONNA-" he said you reply with "plz do bby" he said "keep going for me amor " then BOOM! a warm liquid shoots down ur throat not once, not twice, but three times. Justin sighs in being tired you guys take a shower together and get ready for the video. you guys shot a get to know us for the first vid "Hey guys we are NSB and we're gonna tell u a little abt ourselves" Oliver starts off
Seb: First question: Are you guys single
Ryan: I am single so ladies hit me up
Darren: I'm single so men- I MEANT LADIES
Kane: he definitely meant men😹😹😹 but I am single
Justin: it's complicated but I'm into someone rn
                   *y/n blushes and giggles*
Y/n: I have my eye on a guy rn *side eyes justin*
Oli: Im single and Not a player so hi ladies

                   *30 questions later*
Well thts enough for todays video stay tuned for more content love you stars!

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