Dying Emeralds

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The landscape was like a canvas with every hue of red spattered across like paint. Rose red to crimson splayed everywhere covering readily stained rocks, grass patches and exposed barren soil. Beautiful crunches that have morphed ideally in the enriching darkness within the ears of hell brought on the thought of a princess crushing autumn leaves, heels pointed in an impalement to the already dead. The glorious sound matched perfectly of those crunches with bones snapping, shards of cleft tissue and hard bone flensing through the endless shrills of laughter, blending delectably among endless crepitation. Agonising pain. More and more. That's the aim. That's the point. The thrill. The revenge. Thunderous flutters, entwined in thin clouded vines around immorality and immortality, surging triumphantly forward in his high mind cloaked malevolently dark as the blood black fleshy mouth twisted spitefully upwards, listening to orchestrational groans and screams that have augmented the embolism of the princess's imagination. Going on harder, ripping through flesh as iron grazed the inner soft muscle, shaving against bone, bringing out an alluring stain of red and bronze to the blade.

Choked cackles resounded through the blazing meadow, sun reflecting bright red against the mirrored red eyes. Floating mindlessly on cold water, numbing his nerves as body acted against him, raising his arm up high, blood freezing as he watched the largest blood-stained sword mimic the rising command; flying metres high in invisible ropes before following through as the arm raced down, slashing through the air, congruence to the sword that followed rhythm, slicing down hard ahead; painting more of the body in red blanketed well in a symphonic torturous scream.

The attacker's whole half was numb, feeling a second soul and heart invade his mind, dripping ounces of cold water, paralysing pain and emotions. No mind should have led a devil to seize the owner, being in sync in one entity. Not once, but regrettably, carelessly, unforgivably, it happened twice. Growls of pleasure startled him, hearing the voices on his left where Lucifero overtook. To think part of him, his body, torturing his host, his friend, his brother, the one from the same mother, one of whom has hope flooding infinitely; crushed, destroyed, teared down from the core of bones and vessels as another crack snapped him awake from brim hypnosis.

"NO – PLEASE! STOP THIS!" Liebe pleaded, right eye wavering madly in its socket, trying to view his left side as his left eye moved on its own from the other devil. His mouth twitched as the corners were shared between left and right. The left sided mouth laughed manically, utterly deranged at the work of art that his well-mannered human, now hair dyed of red speckled on silver ash to the ground, struggling up once again. Liebe's right cornered mouth twitched as he suppressed the control of laughter that was trembling severely over his lips, forcing the whole mouth open to bawl humorously. Horrible voices of mercy from him kept on turning as the lips moved in greater strength of control from Lucifero.

"I haven't finished. He needs to fall, drop, match down to the grass unmoving before it's all done!" Liebe felt his whole mouth move as those words flew out, only managing to hold down to the very corner of his lips. But what would that help? Eye locked repentantly at Asta bloodied, near the brink of death, still striving up, still trying to fight, to turn, to escape. Poor soul now weaponless as Liebe bestowed all items from his grimoire, having it presented to him gloriously, hovering above his chest in a cloud of red and black mist. All swords gained by Asta were in Liebe's possession now controlled by Lucifero.

"J – JUST WHY?!" Liebe shrieked, betraying all sense of devil calm. He couldn't swallow just how it had all happened. They were only walking, him and Asta, towards a mission only to be surprised by him, Liebe, groaning in pain as he rolled over, black mists forming, encircling his right side. Back arching against the sunbathed meadow where his entire half felt numb, feeling an unknown voice leave his lips.

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