LOTF - Fanfiction

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      The story takes place on a deserted island with a fleet of young boys from the war. Right away there are three main characters, Piggy, Ralph, and Jack. Each of them having very different personalities. As the book goes on we start to realize that they each have their own way of leading. Jack seems to have a more self-centered way of leading and endures conflict. Ralph likewise, likes to endure conflict but looks out for the needs of others before his own. Piggy would on the other hand, shy away from conflict and keep everything peaceful. This indifference in personality creates an evil relationship with the boys and pushes them to their boundaries. It first starts off pretty friendly when they get into disagreements but then it started to shift to a attitude based argument. Jack and Ralph who were on opposite sides would both not listen to each other and did not like any of their ideology. 

Personally, I found this book to be very interesting but also have a bigger picture about humans and using symbolism on the way with that. This book taught me that humans, under the right circumstances, can be pushed to do things they did not think they were capable of. It is so interesting that these are boys during the war and although they may be immature their situation can be applied to humans as a whole and teach us that under survival circumstances humans will conform to their true self. In this case we see this unfold with a group of boys and see how they turn from respectful too violent.

 One thing I would tell the audience is to pay attention to the finer details because then in the end it will make a lot more sense. I used this strategy and the second time I picked up on a lot more and in particular what side I was on(Ralph vs. Jack). Also in this book their seemed to always be a conflict whether that was the ear going on outside of the island or if there was internal conflict. Relatable in the fact that all humans have internal and external conflicts.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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