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RM and Suga woke up early, meanwhile Jungkook and Hoseok were still asleep. It's six o'clock in the morning, and Suga and RM have coffee and decide to prepare breakfast for their boyfriends/girlfriend when they wake up.


Jungkook and Taehyung were sleeping soundly while hugging each other, Jungkook woke up a little later and slowly opened his eyes so as not to wake up his fiance. He watched his very handsome boyfriend sleeping soundly in his arms while his hand was on his waist.
He gently brushed away the hair blocking her angelic face.

"you are so beautiful even when you are sleeping my love, I will never get tired of looking at you and loving you every day, I am very lucky and you are what the Lord gave me."

After a while Taehyung woke up and rubbed his eyes and smiled saying "good morning daddy" and immediately kissed Jungkook on his soft lips.
Jungkook immediately smiled sweetly and greeted him "Good morning to my most beautiful fiance" and kissed Taehyung's forehead

Taehyung: Daddy~~

Jungkook: Taehyung don't say it now. I controlled myself last night because of your expose soft skin , so not now maybe you want me to rape you, go ahead if you don't stop there. *he smirk*

Taehyung: y-yah you bunny head!! Aish , let's go down I'm hungry already. *he pout cutely*

Jungkook: Okay okay , let's go.

Taehyung: w-wait! *he look to himself* who c-change my c-clothes l-ast night?

Jungkook: Me , why?

Taehyung: y-you Jungkook!!!

Jungkook:  Why? I'm your fiance , so it's my responsibility to take care of you.

Taehyung: y-you! You see

Jungkook: Your little tae?? *he said teasingly*

Taehyung: Jungkook-ah!!! I hate you hmp! *he cross his arms and pout cutely*

Jungkook: Aeygo my fiance is getting mad to me hm? Why?? you're so cute my Jeon Taehyung. *he kiss his lips then chuckled*

Taehyung: Come on now , I'm hungry , shoo! shoo!

Jungkook: Am I looks like a dog? you are shooing me like I'm a dog. *he pout*

Taehyung: Stop pouting Jeon Jungkook , come on now.

Jungkook: Kiss me first.

Taehyung: No , i don't want. (😝)

Jungkook: Ah , you're a hard head , come on you little tiger. *he tickles him*

Taehyung: J-jungkook-ah!!HAHAHAHA s-stop it HAHAHAHAHAHA it tickles

Jungkook: Give me my kiss , now.

Taehyung: Fine.

And Taehyung kiss his lips and then run to his bathroom immediately.

Jungkook: Cute.


RM: Goodmorning honey , come here sit beside me.

Jin: Goodmorning too , my head is hurt aish!

RM: Here I make a hot tea for you  , for your hang over.

Jin: Thank you Joonie.

Suga: Baby come  , we prepared a breakfast.

Jimin: Thank you baby , where is Taehyung-ah?

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