The end and beginning of a new journey

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"The war has already begun. It is just the continuation of past battles. The Gods goad us all with the promise of their seven treasures: rewards for the worthy, a doorway to divinity. Yet buried in this world are remains: a warning to those that dare trespass. That throne in the sky is not reserved for you. But mortal arrogation never stops. None will escape the flames. See for yourself."

"The dragon who defended Mondstadt for a millennium finally faces his perturbation. What does freedom really mean when demanded of you by a god?"

"The god of contracts, senselessly slaughtered as he people watched on in horror. In the end, he will sign the contract to end all contracts."

"In the secluded land of the immortal Shogun, the Bakufu reigns eternal. But what do mortals see of the eternity chased after by their god?"

"The god of wisdom's enemy is wisdom itself, and the oasis of knowledge is a mirage in the desert of ignorance. In the City of Scholars, there is a push for folly. Yet the god of wisdom makes no argument against it."

"The god of justice lives for the spectacle of the courtroom, seeking to judge all other gods. But even she knows not to make an enemy of the Divine. "

"The god of justice lives for the spectacle of the courtroom, seeking to judge all other gods. But even she knows not to make an enemy of the Divine. "

"She is a god with no love left for her people, nor do they have any left for her. Her followers hope only to be on her side when the day of her rebellion against the Divine comes at last."

"In the perpetual meantime of a sheltered eternity, most are content to live, and not to dream. But in the hidden corners where the gods' gaze does not fall, there are those that dream of dreaming. "

"Some say a few are chosen and the rest are dregs. But I say we humans have our humanity. We will defy this world with a power from beyond. Now, you will set foot in this world. Your journey has reached its end. But one final doorway remains. Step forth if you have understood the meaning of your journey. Defeat me. Command me to step aside. Show me that you are worthier than I to rescue her. Then the threads of all fate will be yours to reweave."

"My memory is all but faded completely. But I will always remember how much she, too, loved these flowers."

A young man with black hair woke up quietly as he looked outside the mirror. He lived a simple life, one filled with stillness. A life where he had no freedom. A life where he was just... existing. Neither valve nor dead just stuck in between until the time comes where all his contracts, his wisdom, his wars, are all gone. Not even his love. 

The only thing he held dear were the stories in his games, from the Fate series to anime, to manga. Each one of them holds a world where they can be free. One where he can be free. But this world is not. This world is hideous, disgusting, slowly being corroded, its life slowly choking from the greed and lust of humanity, yet he loves this world dearly. After all, it is his only home, his heaven, and hell. 

Doing his morning routine, he put on his clothes. Simple and practical with a few accessories such as a wristwatch to tell the time, a backpack filled with items, his phone, and a few more things. The most eyecatching of his items is the one he is holding into, a bag roll filled with training weapons. One easily recognizable by trained martial artists.

As he walked into the city, he saw a beautiful woman, one with purple hair dressed in a kimono. She looked out of place, after all, they were not so much Japanese in his home country and only a few would wear hose kinds of clothes and only during important events. As everyone went on their way, the woman walked on a pedestrian line and the light went green.

"Look out!" He shouted as his legs kicked off the dirt. Hearing him, the woman turned around. To call her beautiful was an understatement. No... to call her beautiful is an insult. Her beautiful face was marred with shock as she noticed the beast of steel heading her way. But I did not hit her. Rather, she was pushed away at the last second. The young man who warned her had pushed her away leaving him flying and bouncing on the asphalt before stopping at a loud collision with the concrete wall. 

A smile appeared on his face, despite the pain assaulting his senses similar to being stabbed over and over again, each breath he took sent a jolt of pain on his body. It was agonizing, yet it was worth it. He saved someone and that was enough. 

'I wish... I was able to live longer.' He thought as his eye lost their light A flash of purple appeared on his mind as a shape took form, and the scene of flowers assaulted his sense of smell, a soft humming voice, and his cold dying frame was enveloped by warmth. 

'Thank you for saving me,' A voice said and it must have been his imagination for he saw the same woman he saved, appearing in front of him, caressing his plain face in contrast to her unrivaled beauty. 'Will you please help me and accept my request?'

'Well... might as well do it.' He answered mentally as he felt himself get weaker and the sweet embrace of the cold, cruel, yet fair death claimed him. 


A young man with amber eyes, drinking his tea paused. He felt it, the pulse of divinity, one so subtle yet only noticeable by someone as experienced as him. A being from another realm has been brought into this world. 

'Interesting, it is her, eternity yet at the same time it is not her. Interesting, the elemental energy has masked her action yet it will only be possible if SHE also helped.' The male said as he stared at his reflection on his tea, for a brief moment his reflection changed that of a dragon before returning to normal.

'I wonder... if this is a sign for me to continue ahead with my plan.' After all, this city of Liyue, is in a way, his child. He had watched over it for 2 millennia and he was eager to know, to find out if his child and his people will be able to stand on their own without relying on the gods. 'Maybe this outlander will give me some ideas and from the reaction of the Geo itself, he found himself on the city of freedom. Maybe it is time for me to visit the lands of an old friend.' The young man took a sip of his tea.

In a hidden place,

A woman deep in her meditation suddenly let a tear out of her eye. For a single moment, she remembered someone, someone dear to her.

'No. She is no longer here. I must keep the people of Inazuma safe.' 

As she thought she heard something, a statement that will greatly affect her. 

'Why? why bother with hopes, dreams, and ambitions?! It will only hurt us all! Dreams are nothing but illusions we use to make ourselves feel better!'

'Is... Is he right?' The woman thought as she went back to her mediation to reflect on this train of thought. 


Sleeping on the currents of the world, a being moved from their slumber. 

A small being smiled. 

'I want to live!' He heard those thoughts and it reminded him of a dear friend. The time for him to wake was near. Maybe, he can help the man, after all, he was free, a blank slate in his world. 'And what better way to preserve that freedom than bless him with the knowledge of songs.' 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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