Chapter 3 - Winterhoofen and the New King

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As a born alicorn, and for his leadership in saving the surviving ponies of Manebrook, his subjects worshipped him as a god. Midnight was not too fond of this. It was quite lonesome being in such a status. More than anything, he longed for companionship and equality. A true friend was hard to come by, when most would just associate with him for status or wealth, or use him for his power. The stallion would push through, holding on to a small bit of hope that he would find someone loyal to him for more than just his position as king or his power as an alicorn. 

With their new leader, Winterhoofen was thriving. The walls were many times stronger than those of Manebrook had been, easily keeping intruders at bay. There had even been reports of a few changeling attacks, though they weren't able to break through even the first layer of enchantment before tiring or even injuring themselves as to be forced to retreat. After these few feeble attempts, the hive had given up, as did most other creatures. It was still common for a courageous beast to make an attempt at shattering the thickened walls, but it was never any use. Midnight and the others who had put up that protection were proud of their work and very certain it would hold up. And that they did! The Winterhoofen walls would still be standing strong and tall to this day.

Midnight would often make trips outside of the walls to scout out the surrounding areas, taking note on how much of the region was taken over by the insect swarms. It seemed they had taken over nearly every kingdom, aside from the Crystal Empire and Canterlot. The rest of Equestria and even Yakyakistan was overrun. The sound of buzzing wings and buggy clicks filled the atmosphere in most areas, making it a rather eerie trip, something Midnight would never get used to. 

The alicorn didn't worry about his kingdom. He knew they would be secure behind those sturdy walls. The only way they could possibly be destroyed would be from the inside, but even that would be difficult to accomplish with how heavily the gates are guarded.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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