Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It all began in the land of Dark knight, Travarian, The youngest Witch that had survived the war of Terror. She was the only Witch who actually helped the forces of Light save the Realm of Dark Knight. When the War came to an end, King Sean Made Travarian the Royal Leader of the army of Dark night. Then on Travarian's 23 Birthday King Sean had summoned her. He had broken the news that Evil Queen Kara was advancing on the Realm of Dark Knight. Little did Travarian know that no one is more powerful than herself? There was a spy in the Realm of Dark Night. He goes by the name of Bennett and His secret Identity is Top Secret. He was a Spy for the Evil Queen Kara. Queen Kara sent Bennett to Spy on Travarian. After 12 Long years of Spying Bennett finally got the courage to talk to Travarian. So He got up out of his seat and walked over to Her.

" H---hi I'm Bennett, I'm not supposed to talk to you, But I have to warn you." He said to her.

" Excuse me? Why do you have to warn me? I am always ready for anything that is thrown my way!" said Travarian in an angry way.

" Queen Kara is just a few Nights journey away. I needed to warn you, I could really help you Defeat her. Using her own magic against her. When can we see each other again?" Asked Bennett.

"First! I have to go to the king and tell him about it and you have to come and tell him who you are and what your doing here!" Said Travarian.

Travarian Brought Bennett with her when she got to the Castle and asked to see the king and she rushed into the Great hall, where king Sean was sitting on his throne. When Travarian walked in King Sean knew that there was trouble so he summoned his royal army and Travarian put Bennett in Charge of the royal army! She went over the Battle Strategies for the Army and that night Travarian Took her diamond and started to scribe for the Evil Queen and Find out which Direction Queen Kara is coming from.

"Send the Troops to this location and set up Camp and battle stations and get ready to Fight for your life, Can I trust you Bennett?' Asked Travarian.

"Yes you can always trust me. Besides I would never betray you and turn you into the Queen." Said Bennett.

"Okay good! Now remember go to the Forbidden Forest and set up camp and get the battle Stations ready! And I will be there soon" Travarian said to Bennett.

After She said that Bennett and the Army were on their way and Travarian went to the Dungun and got into her War Outfit that She made just a week ago. She flew into the Camp sight. And She got into her tent and Made up a battle Plan to fight for her life again as she did once when she was younger. She was willing to put her life at stake in order to protect her Realm. She wanted to get Revenge on the Queen for killing her parents when she was just a little girl. She knew she had to kill the Queen But how could she kill the Queen Without telling anyone and for all she knows Bennett could be spying on her again. So she cast the Invisibility Spell, which made her Invisible. After the first war she was going thru her Mother's Library and Came Across a Spell Book. She had memories every Spell In that Book. So Instead of killing The Queen she decided to put The Queen In a Sleeping Curse. The Sleeping Curse is a Spell that will put everyone to Sleep unless they have been in the Sleeping Curse before.

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