Chapter One

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A/N: Before you read this story, I want everyone to know that I take inspiration from other stories. So if the scenes are familiar to you, please remember that they belong to the rightful owner and not mine.

I repeat, "Not mine"


All you needed to do was finish your assignment and you could finally call it a day, but there are two conflicts in your way.

The first is the growing frustration of not being able to comprehend the nonsense of your homework, no matter how many videos you watch or lecture slides you read.

The second thing is the crunching and crumbling of a chips bag coming from your roommate's section of the dorm.

"Lisa, can you eat literally anything else if you're going to snack on something? I'm trying to complete something." With a grumble, you asked. To ease an approaching headache, you pinch your brows together with two fingers.

"But these are sooo good! Here, try one and you'll understand" Lisa stretches her arm and offers the bag towards you to take a couple.

Looking between your assignment and the bag of chips you decided maybe it was best to take a break.

You get up from your bed and take the bag of chips from her.

"Whatcha watchin?" You ask, popping a chip in your mouth, as you notice Lisa has something playing on her laptop

"Some Netflix show Chaeyoung suggested I should watch," Lisa responds through her chewing. "That reminds me, I told her I'd meet her tonight, and I almost forgot! " Suddenly, she jumps out of bed and goes rummaging through her belongings to get ready.

You chuckle amusedly as you watch your roommate scramble through her clutter to find her belongings to leave. When she appears to have gotten everything, she turns to you, snatches the bag from your grasp, and walks to the door.

You bring your attention back to the damned homework, already feeling your headache resurfacing but you notice that Lisa hasn't left yet and is waiting at the door.

"Why don't you tag along this time?" she questioned, fishing through the chips bag that looks near empty. "It's only gonna be a couple of us, you already know Chaeyoung and the rest of the group are chill people"

You sigh, "Lis-"

"Just this once." She cuts you off. "Plus! It'll help you relax with your homework." She tries to convince you.

Meanwhile, you disagree with her statement...

Meeting new people and interacting them would only decrease your energy.

You just wanted to chill. And maybe watch some Twice videos.

"Lis, you do know that social interaction isn't usually my thing."

"But you always go crazy when Twice shows up on Television! And you always talk to the Twice fans whenever you go to a concert!" She reasons out.

"Okay. One, it's not Twice fans, it's Once. And two, I talk to them because I can relate to them!"

She grunts at your answer, but decides to let you off. "Fine. I'll get going now." She says rather sadly.

You sigh.

"Lis," you called her before she could even open the door. "Look, how about this? I'll treat you ice cream tomorrow and when you and your friends plan another meet-up, I'll join you next time, okay? Does that sound good?" You offered.

Her face lights up like a light bulb in an instant when she heard your offer.

She nods excitedly. "Okay! But you better stay true to your promise." She says in a song voice before finally stepping outside as she closes the door, leaving you alone in your apartment.

"Okay, now back to my homework." You say as you get back to answering.

"I give up." You exclaimed not even after a minute of answering, laying on your bed before taking your phone from the bedside table.

You opened your phone and opened YouTube, already seeing recommendations of videos about Twice.

Your mood suddenly changed as you jumped from your bed out of excitement.

"AH! JEONGYEON IS FINALLY BACK!" You screamed happily as soon as you started watching a video of Twice in LA.

"I think I'm gonna die..." You say just after watching Mina, Sana, and Dahyun dance to their song, Rollin'.

You could feel and hear your heart beating rapidly. You looked away from your screen with a red face, not able to handle their dance moves.

You let out more shouts of happiness that you were sure that your neighbor would file a noise complaint, but you didn't care.

After an hour of (crappy) dancing and singing to their songs, you were content as your eyes were heavy but you forced yourself to stay awake.

You laid on your bed, your eyes dropping.

Alas, your struggle becomes too much because as you snuggle beneath your soft pillows, your eyes finally gave up, letting yourself fall onto the cliff of dark abyss.


When you woke up, the first thing you noticed was an annoying beeping sound from somewhere beside you and muffled chittering.

Then you smell an overpowering antiseptic scent with an unidentified artificial fragrance undertone. It's almost as if you're in a hospital.

You realized you were lying flat on your back with something attached to your neck, preventing you from moving your neck. You tried moving your fingers, which you succeeded in doing so.

However, you heard shuffling near you, followed by your bed dropping under the weight of someone, and a deep voice murmuring in a trembling voice, "Get the nurse! She's waking up."

Nurse?! Why would I need a nurse?! I was just sleeping? Did something happen?

"Y/n-ah, can you open your eyes?" The voice was so gentle and soothing that it warmed your heart.

Slowly opening your eyes, you noticed a blurred face in front of you. As your vision was restored, fingers began to delicately brush your hair as you saw a familiar woman in front of you, eyes watering with unshed tears.

Then a tall man entered the room, quickly followed by a nurse who rushed to take your vitals.

You didn't listen to what the nurse was saying as your attention was drawn to the couple holding each other in the background, their eyes a little red.

Something about the couple seemed familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it because your mind was still foggy. Nothing made sense because the last thing you remember is falling asleep in your bed.

"Y/n-ah, can you remember who we are? I'm your mother," says the lovely lady.

Your heartbeat quickens, and the heart monitor registers the rapid beat of your heart.

"Yah! Y/n-ah, please listen to Appa," the tall man pleads as he rushed up to you.

It didn't help as your heartbeat at all as it only quickens as your eyes widened.

Why do Son Ye-jin and Hyun Bin insist on claiming to be my mother and father? Is this some type of prank?!

"Baby, please breathe." Hyun Bin pleaded, his eyes watering even more as the nurse calls for medical attention.

Before your eyes dropped, darkness began to appear in your vision, this time with the thought of what the fuck was happening to you.

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