Chapter Two

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Mr. and Mrs. Hyun were waiting in the hallway sitting on chairs that were way too uncomfortable for the number of hours they spent on sitting on them. Waiting and waiting.

"I'll try to say this as simple as I can," comes the gentle voice of the familiar doctor standing in front of them. "Y/n has no memories of what happened in her life, neither does she recognises the people she knew. This is also not an uncommon case because of the swelling in her brain because of the accident. It may be temporary, but it could also be permanent."

He paused, letting the information sink in, trying to be gentle with them.

He continues, "I advise you to go slow when making her recover her memories because it might cause another issue due to stress." He stopped, Mrs. Hyun's tears rolled silently down her cheeks as Mr. Hyun gaze at the distance. Their hands tightly holding on another.


Your mind was still cluttered, confused, and disoriented because why would you need to be hospitalised when you just fell asleep?

'Are they really my parents? As far as I know, I don't have one... Just adopted.'

You felt like you're going to burst with how much thoughts are running right now in an alarming speed in your mind.

'Am I dreaming?'

You were so engrossed in your thoughts that you didn't even notice the door opened and your parents walked in. They're obviously just finished crying with how they were sniffing.

"How are you feeling, my daughter?" Ye-jin asked.

"Please talk to us. Do you want me to call your manager?" Said Hyun Bin. "Or do you want to call your friends? They're pretty worried about you."

Your eyebrows furrowed at that word and Ye-jin jabs her elbow on Hyun Bin who immediately coughed in surprise. "Ah yes, you might not remember them but all of you are really close. They're your best friends."

'Manager? I have a manager? Why would I need one?' you thought. 'If this is really a dream, and they're my parents, I don't really mind...'

"I'm sorry if I don't remember you..." You say but you cringe inside. My acting sucks...

"It's alright, my dear. I'm your mother, Son Ye-jin," Ye-jin introduces as she points to herself before pointing to the tall man, "and this is your father, Hyun Bin. We're your parents."

You nodded. "May I know what happened to me? W-why am I in a hospital?" You asked, genuinely scared.

"My baby..." She says before closing the gap between you and wrapped her arms around, encasing you in a hug. The heart beat monitor registers the sudden acceleration of your heartbeat. 

"Ye-jin ah, I think you're suffocating our daughter." Hyun Bin tries to reach for his wife.

"I'm sorry sweetheart." Ye-jin apologizes, standing up but you immediately grab her hand.

"It's fine, mom." You uttered, your voice wavering.

"Ye-jin ah. Why don't you two catch up while I go grab some food." He walks towards you. "What do you want, sweetheart? Do you want that cheesecake from your favourite café?"

You nodded, happily. "Yes please."

When Hyun Bin finally left to get food, you had the chance of knowing what happened to you. Apparently, you were hit by a car when you were just about to go home. You've been in a comatose state for months now...


When Hyun Bin returned, he was not alone. Trailing behind him are nine familiar girls wearing casual clothes. Twice?!

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