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The bell rang throughout the whole school signalling that school is finished our teacher said
"Class Dismissed" my classmates cheered and pack their things.

I'm walking with my friends towards our locker, I opened my locker and put the books inside the locker that I don't need to bring with me. Since I only have two homeworks my bag will be easy to carry around.

"You guys, wanna go somewhere?" Lia asked

"Let's go to that newly opened restaurant!" Chaeryoung said her eyes going round in excitement.

"So... Are you guys in?" Yeji

"Of course" Arya and ryujin said wiggling their eyebrows up and down. Their attention immediately went to me, as if encouraging me to go with them, I sighed.

"I don't have much things to do, so I'm in!" I happily stated which resulted a series of cheer from my friends.

Unbeknownst to me a group of people heard our plans and decided to follow us.

We sat ourselves comfortably while Yeji ordered for us. We we're just waiting for our food when the door opened revealing a tall good looking guy with black hair and highlights.

All of us were in shock, clearly not expecting to see these guys enter the same restaurant. They sat beside our table my heart drumming inside my chest. I felt like it will burst out any minute, the tension in the air was surrounding us.

I can't help but look at him, he is indeed handsome. They all look like royalty and I'm not going to deny that. I look at him again only to see him staring at me, I feel my cheeks go warm. I tried to give him a small smile, he just raised his brow at me.

"You'll melt any minute now~" Arya sing song

"Stop it" I nudged her and all of ny friends just laughed.

I saw the waitress carrying foods in both of her hands. "Oh! Would you loot at that~" I said loudly that I expected to.

We're eating our hearts out happily. The foods are good! It was so delicious... I took a glance at the seven boys beside us and saw that their food arrived 5 minutes after ours. What caught my attention the most was that, they're all not eating. They didn't even taste it. Hmm... Strange, I also saw their food one time at the cafeteria, it wasn't touched. The chopsticks or the other eating utensils aren't used. What's with these guys ordering and buying food but wouldn't even eat it? They're wasting foods! There's a lot of people who are starving and yet here they are!

"I heard there's a school dance" Yuna said out of nowhere.

"What?! When?!" Arya shouted.

"They said the day after tomorrow, the council and the teachers are keeping it a secret till tomorrow" Yuna continued.

"But how are we gonna have someone to dance with?! Are they crazy?!" She exaggeratedly shouted.

"Stop it, you're gathering attention stupid" I hissed

"That was uncalled for, they should have told us at least today! Haw are we supposed to find partners?"

Arya looked at the table beside us.

"Nope! That's a bad idea!" It was now my turn to shout.

"Fine~ we could always just spend the night with eachother" she sighed in defeat and the other girls just laughed at us. "Come on, pack up! It's getting late and I have two long essays waiting for me" Yeji said grabbing her bag. We all stood up to leave, I looked at Enhypen's table. They're really nit going to eat that, are they? I sighed and walk out.

I was walking down my neighbourhood alone since the girls house are just along the way towards ours. It wasn't that far but 10 blocks away. Again the cold feeling that I felt last night was there, I looked around but I saw nothing. Was Jungwon stalking me? No, I'm being paranoid and it wasn't right to accused someone of something I'm not sure of.

I walked faster, the feeling of being watched never left me. I looked around once more only to squint my eyes at the bush from across the road. I tried to have a better look, only to find myself terrified. There's a pair of eyes blue glowing eyes glaring at me.

I ran as fast as I could, my legs hurting from running too fast. My heart pounding and chest heaving for air.

I opened the door as fast as I could once I'm at our doorstep.

"What happened Y/n?" My grandfather asked.

"I-i... There w-was something o-out there. I-it was chasing me, I don't know what it i-is" I cried out.

"Calm down darling, relax" he said he was about to hug me but I back off.

"Don't touch me"

"I'm sorry, it's all gonna be just fine. Now tell me what you saw" he assured me and asked.

"Its eyes are glowing bright blue, it was fast, that thing is hiding itself in the bushes" I managed to describe the thing I saw back there. "Go upstairs and don't leave your room until one of your parents or me told you so" he said and I nodded. He hurriedly walked to my dad's study to grab something.

I ran upstairs and locked the doors and windows. I tried to take those glowing blue eyes off of my head but it's like those eyes was imprinted to the back of my head.

I decided to take a warm and calming shower to ease myself up a little bit. Humming to some songs I love, I laid myself at the bath tub and closed my eyes.

Jungwon's Pov

I followed her, I saw how terrified she was. She's being chased by an unknown creature, who wouldn't be terrified at that?

I know it was wrong for me to follow her, but I couldn't help it. I hate her family and I always will. It wouldn't surprise me if she's just like them. How pathetic, I scoffed.

Y/n's Pov

Once I'm done I dressed myself up before making my way to my study table and pulling out my homeworks.

30 mins later I finished my homework, it wasn't that much so I finished it immediately.

I then realized that Dale was at my father's study, why would he go there and why was he in a rush? What's with our family that I have yet to discover? Are they perhaps hiding something from me?

I know my parents they love me too much to keep anything from me. As far as I remember my parents and I are very transparent towards eachother at least that's what I thought.

𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐍 | Y.JWhere stories live. Discover now