Crosshair/Love of My Life

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Dedicated to 1Mando

Post war

Sorry for the long wait, I was internally dying

(B/s) - birthstone

You slowly opened your eyes and yawned as you felt arms pull you close to a warm surface. You smiled as you knew who it was, it was your amazing boyfriend, Crosshair. How you you two got together was truly a surprise. Before you ended up where you are now, you were their medic during the war.

You first met the squad on Kamino, being stationed there because they were short on medics. You were then told that you were assigned to a squad. And when you first got to their room to meet them, it was love at first sight. At most times, he would just stay quiet as you tended to his injuries, which you didn't mind. It was when you two spent time alone together that he completely dropped his cold demeanor and said positive things about you and his brothers. One time, you were tending his injuries while his brothers were out on a supply run. You went to put away an item of yours until you tripped over something, and you fell to the ground. You adjusted yourself to where you were facing Crosshair and you started to laugh at your clumsiness. And this moment was your favorite because this was when he laughed.

He laughed and you thought it was one of the most amazing sounds you ever heard.

Carefully, you turned yourself around in his arms and smiled wider seeing his handsome resting face. He subconsciously buried his face in the crook of your neck and started placing gentle kisses. You hummed in content and closed your eyes, resting your head on his chest.

'How did I get so lucky?' You thought.

Other people might have thought that you would've ended up with Hunter or Tech, possibly even Echo but it had to be the toothpick chewing jerk, who you absolutely love and adore.

You brought up a hand and started to comb through his silver hair. You used your other hand to gently trace over his tattoo with your thumb, him leaning into your touch as you did. You wanted to stay like this all day, but you, him, and the boys came up with plans for today. You stopped what you were doing and placed your hands on both sides of his face. You reached up and pressed gentle kisses all over his face as a way of waking up. You learned that he hated being woke up by loud noises such as alarms so you decided on kissing him awake, which you didn't mind at all. You stopped as soon as you saw him start to open his eyes. His eyes fluttered open and smiled when he saw you.

"Good morning, mesh'la." He said in his morning voice that you always love.

"Morning, cate." You said.

He brought up his hands and cupped your face then brought you in for a sweet kiss. Before, moments like this were rare but now, they happened almost every day. He slowly pulled back and you stared into his beautiful eyes, somehow getting lost in them every time. You sighed in content as you cuddled into him and he hugged you tighter, placing a kiss on your head. As much as you wanted to stay like this, you and the others had plans today.

"C'mon, we should get ready." You say and tried to sit up.

"No, I don't want to get up." You heard him say, not letting you go.

"Honey, we made plans with the boys today."

"Oh, alright."

You laughed a little at this as he knew you wouldn't stop nagging him about it. He sat up with you still in his arms and placed a few more kisses to your head as you leaned into him. He placed his hands on your hips as he gave you one more kiss. Assuming he was going to get up, you went to stand up but his hands held you in place. You didn't see the smirk appear on his face as you felt his hands go up to your sides. Then he started to tickle you and you almost fell into the bed as you laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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