One step closer - Sam Fraser x Reader

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"I swear if you say that again im going to kill you y/n y/l/n!" Sam yelled as you couldn't help but laugh at her tone.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry." You laughed out as she punched your shoulder in a playful manner.

"You better be" Sam spoke as your laugher died down.

There was silence after that, the two of you sat on your car bonnet, parked between Shadyside and Sunnyvale looking up at the stars shining in the night sky.

You've had this huge crush in sam since you guys were 10, it's pretty stupid really but one day in 9th grade you decided to tell her how you felt...

Thats before your best friend, Deena beat you to it.

Was you were happy for them? yeah.

Did your feelings for Sam ever go away? No.

"I wish things could go back to normal." Sam started as you were pulled out of your thoughts.

"It's only been 3 weeks since I moved to Sunnyvale and already everything is changing so fast.. Simon and Kate won't talk to me. Not to mention Deena hates me-"

"She doesn't hate you." You cut her off as she just gave you a sad smile in response. "She just needs time." You finished.

"Yeah, time.." Sam longed out as you jumped off your car, offering your hand to Sam to which she took and jumped down herself.

"I'll talke you home." You smiled as you got into the driver-side of your car as Sam got comfortable in the passenger.


About 15 minutes later you had pulled up at the sidewalk of Sam's house.

"So... I'll see you next week?" Sam asked as you shrugged in response.

"I don't know" you replied to which Sam hummed in response turning to face you as you kept your eyes straight ahead.

"Somthing on your mind? You've been acting strange all night." She asked as you sighed.

"Hey! I'm talking to you" Sam laughed as she cupped your chin turning you to face her.

Sam was beautiful. A goddess in your opinion. Big blue eyes along with her pink tinted cheeks, from the cold.

"Are you okay?" She asked as you got out of her hold turning away.

"Yeah I'm fine." You replied in monotone.

"I'm not stupid you know. I can tell somthings on your mind, just tell me."
She finished.

"Theres nothing to tell. I'm just tired." You frowned.

"I don't believe you." She laughed.

"Why would I lie. There's nothing on my mind. I'm okay."


"I said I'm fine Sam!" You yelled letting you head fall into you hands.

Sam didn't mutter a word as silence fell between the two of you.

After a good couple of minutes, you lifted your head up turning to face her


Sam cut you off as she got out the car and started to walk towards her house.

You jumped out and followed behind her.


She ignored you.

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