Chapter 1

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Jimin POV
The alarm sound made me wake up as I open my eyes. I get up and stop the alarm on my phone. I throw my phone beside me and close my eyes for a second with my hands

After a second, I looks beside me as I sighed. Same day, same thing. I just get off my bed and head to the bathroom to get showered

After done with my shower, I came downstairs to get my lunch..I guess. I went to the dining table and some of them is eating their food

" oh here we go..the sleeping ugly finally wake up from his sleep. Good morning you lazy ass " I heard Taehyung say while eating his food

" yeah good morning dickhead " I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes

" Jimin, I swear to god..learn how to wake up early. It's noon already. Why don't you just wake up at 8 pm ? " Jin hyung said as he walk behind me, patted my back

" oh hyung believe me, I really want to sleep till 8 pm but my stomach keeps growling and gives me hunger pangs " I said as I sit at an empty seat between Jungkook and Taehyung

" yeah yeah yeah. Don't forget to buy the groceries. Go with Jungkook. It's both of your turns " he said, walking to the kitchen

" wait why ? We already had the groceries for this month ? Why do we need to buy it again ? " I'm in confusion ask him

He looks behind and loudly slammed the juice box on the counter in the kitchen while his eyes glared at me. Did I do something wrong ?

" Am I talking to awake Jimin or sleeping Jimin right now ? " he sarcastically asks Jungkook and Taehyung

" definitely sleeping Jimin, hyung. How can you not notice it ? " Jungkook replied to him while eating his foods

Then I suddenly remember about them holding a party at this big ass mansion that will happen next week

" oh the party. Hold on, do I still need to be part of the job even I don't want that boring party ? The next day, this big ass house is going to be so messy " I said while eating a spoonful of my seaweed soup mix rice

Suddenly I heard Namjoon hyung's voice from behind my back " there is a thing called maids, Jimin. And yeah, you have to do it and attend that boring party until it finished "

I sighed " I want to be in my room only and watch Netflix then sleep "

Then Taehyung faced me as he holds my shoulder " bro, you once liked parties. What's wrong ? Is it because J— "

I cut him off before he could finish the words that I know he'll talk about " no, there's no reason. I just want to stay in my room. Yeah, my old me likes the party but now, it seems bored and tiring to meet people or— "

Jin hyung cut me off " ah please ~~ our old friends from school will come here. And I promise you, it wouldn't be boring. Besides you can't sleep or watch Netflix in peace if there's loud music in the house and people talking so loud "

I look at each of them and they're looking at me with a puppy face. It's not cute but it's pity. They make me pitying of them.

I rolled my eyes " fine fine, I'll not stay in my room. Now change your facial expression before I gag in this soup "

Then Jungkook pushed my shoulder from my left side making my soup falls when I was about to eat it " ahh ~~ hyung. That's the right thing to do ! Not being a lazy ass in your room "

I looks at him as I gave a glared to him " yah, Jeon ! At least let me eat in peace, my stomach is still starving right now and you're lazier than me. No one can be denied that "

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