A normal day in camp. Karen X Male Reader (Molly's Brother)

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You and Karen are sitting beside your tent relaxing and you suddenly see Molly approach

Molly: What's you problem you little strumpet?

Karen: Please go away.

You watch in confusion as neither of them acknowledges your presence

Molly: What's your problem?

Karen: I got lots of problems, mostly I drink to much, with Mr O'Shea

Molly: What's your problem with me?

Karen: Nothin' but the obvious.

Molly: And what is that supposed to mean?

Karen: It means go away.

Karen turns around and starts placing the book back in the wagon

Molly: Who do you think you are saying them things about me?

Karen: I'm the dumb strumpet in love, now get lost.

Molly: Look at me. Look at me, you little-

Molly turns Karen around and slaps her in the face, which surprises you.

Karen: Damn you!

She punches her square in the nose, you swear you can hear a small crack, Molly grabs her nose and starts screeching at you.

Molly: You aren't gonna help your sister?

You: Keep me out of this.

Molly: Damn you Y/n

Molly walks away still in pain

Karen: And you be careful before you hit me again you goddamn moron! Dutch or no Dutch you will be up there with the angels playing harp before sunset. You hear me?

You: Didn't know you can punch, can this be the first and last time I see you fighting with Molly?

Karen: If she stops being a moron it will be.

You: Sweetie, you know she ca-

Karen: I don't wanna hear it, Y/n. Your the only Irish man I'll ever actually respect.

You: I heard you respected Sean that one night.

Karen looks at you with a disappointed look

Karen: Y/n!

You: What? I'm just remembering

Karen: Oh shut up, I can show you how much I respect you.

You: Respect huh?

You and Karen giggle while walking into John's tent...

(I'm not writing smut, sorry horny ppl)

You and Karen walk out after a good time.

Arthur: I hear Karen wouldn't waste any time with you Y/n

You: Just because you ain't getting any don't mean you can rib me about it.

Arthur: Well just keep it down next time. Ok?

You: Sure, I'll check on Ka-

The entire camp hear John scream.


You: Oops.

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