Drunk: Tilly X Male Reader

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(Tilly has a very obvious crush on Y/n, but he is completely oblivious towards it)

It was Sean's return party, everyone was already drunk. You sat and drank with Karen, Sean And Bill, when a drunk Tilly Jackson approaches you

Tilly: Heyy, Y/n. Don't you look handsome tonight.

You: Tilly, it seems the drink has gotten the betterment of you.

Tilly: Noo, I really like you, how about we go to your tent?

You: I don't think that's a good idea Tilly.

Tilly: Why?

Tilly starts to stumble, you quickly stand up from your chair and catch her before she falls on the ground.

You: That's why, you are drunk as a skunk Tilly, how about you get some sleep.

Tilly: Do I get t'sleep witchu?

Sean, Karen and Bill all start laughing at Tilly trying, and failing to seduce you.

You: Aw Jesus... Fine! You happy!

You and Tilly walk to your tent. You lay Tilly down on your bed. You pray she'll just fall asleep. You slowly try to walk out of the tent when you hear a familiar voice

Tilly: Where areya going?

You sigh and lay down in the bed. Tilly snuggles up to you, you finally feel relaxed. The first time after Blackwater.

Tilly: Now, let's have some fun!

(No smut, sorry!)

Next morning you wake up with Tilly resting her head on your chest

Tilly wakes up and presses a kiss to your lips.

You: So it wasn't the alcohol talking

Tilly: No it weren't, I really like you Y/n

You pull her into the sweetest kiss.

You: I know, I know. You showed that last night.

You and Tilly walk out of your tent to whistle's

A curious Sean walks up to you

Sean: So, are you together?

Tilly looks at you.

You: Yes, I'd say so.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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