Day 1

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He didn't plan on telling anyone. He'd handle it by himself. Those plans changed as he charged into the bathroom and, inevitably, puked. Hitoshi knocked. "You okay in there?" Once he was done upchucking all his organs, he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, m'fine."

"I don't believe you."

"Well believe then."

"No can do, Bakugou. I'm telling Dad."

"Don't! I swear on all fuck, if you tell him-"

"I'm telling!" he drawled, before racing off. Bakugou stood on shaky legs, rinsing his mouth out, before gagging again. Nope, he was not done, he decided, as he kneeled beside the toilet and threw up again. He opted to just stay there, for safety's sake. There was a knock on the door. "Katsuki?"

"Hey, Dad." he said, not getting up.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just ate something bad, probably."

"Can I come in?"

"I'd prefer not. Fucking disgusting."

"Well, I am anyway."

The door cracked open as he threw up again, feeling smallness creep up his spine. That wasn't good.

Aizawa grimaced, searching the cabinets for a thermometer, when he heard a small whimper. "Daddy...h-hurts."

"I know, baby. Want Mimi or one of the others to come while I find you some medicine?"


"Who do you want?" The whole class knew, and helped whenever they could, but he picked and chose who he wanted.

"Mimi, Roro, Denks, Kiri, and Toshi."

"Thats a lot of people,bud."

The little whined, so he sent a text to the class group chat for the requested. After a few minutes, the five came in, all kneeling before Bakugou. He figured they could handle it, and decided to find some medicine.

Mina pressed a hand to Bakugou's forehead. "What's wrong, baby, what hurts?"

The blonde simply whined, putting his thumb into his mouth.

"Here?" she asked, pressing a hand to his stomach. He nodded. "How about here? Are you stuffy, hon?" Another nod. "Here?" she murmured, patting his head. He hesitantly nodded. "Anywhere else?" A shake of the head. "Okay, sweetie, well, Aiz- Daddy's going to get some medicine to make it feel all better, okay?" a slow nod.

"Think you're gonna be sick again?"

A no.

"Want your paci?"

A no.

Shinsou presented the blonde with a teether ring. Sero gave him the softest stuffed animal the little owned, Kirishima wrapping him in a blanket as Denki took his temperature. "Kiri, he's probably gonna need a pullup..."


"Suki? Can you look at me? Right here, focus on me. Okay? How old are you?"

The easiest way to calm down a distressed Katsuki was to distract him. He held up two fingers, mouthing the teether.

"Okay, on a 1-5 level, how bad does it hurt?"

The little held up 7 fingers, and Mina nearly cried. He was in so much pain.

"Okay, here's what we're gonna do. Kiri's gonna get you a pullup, Denks is gonna get you some milk, Toshi's gonna see if he can find something for you to color, and Sero's gonna get Gravity Falls set up on your computer, okay baby?"

Sick Week(featuring:CG Dadzawa, Class 1-A(Except Aoyama), and Papazashi)Where stories live. Discover now