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(Enjoy, loves!)

I laughed wickedly, spitting out blood at the man who stands in front of me. Two others stand at my sides, holding me and one has just delivered a rough blow to my cheek. I grin, turning to face him, "Oh yeah baby, hit me again." He growls in annoyance, and I smile again. The man standing in front of me was Beta of the pack's territory I'd accidentally intruded on. He rolls his eyes and squats down a little so that he's at eye level with me, "I'm going to give you one more chance to talk, rogue!"

The door bursts open suddenly, and all three men surrounding me are pushed to the side. A large male growls and turns to face me. Our eyes lock and I gasp. My wolf is practically howling. He rushes to take me in his arms.

"My mate," he yells, looking at the men angrily. He releases me, holding my shoulders firmly, "Are you okay?" I spit some blood out towards his foot, "Why, yes, I'm just dandy! Me and your girlfriends over there were just play fighting, but thanks for asking." He snarls at my sarcasm, and the other men growl lowly at being referred to as "girlfriends". I stick my middle finger up to the Beta and his guards, smiling madly.

My mate rolls his eyes, "I'm serious. They will be punished for hurting you, but I need to know if you're alright." I push him away from me. "I'm a big girl, and I'm totally fine. I'd love some clothes to change into though," I respond, gesturing towards my bloody, ripped outfit. He nods, "Of course."

He picks me up bridal style, and pulls me close to him. I breathe in his heavenly scent, and take a moment to look over his features. He's at least foot taller than me, I note. His hair is dark brown, almost black, and spikes upwards. He has a very strong jawline, and his lips are full, although they are small. His nose is slightly bent, proving it had been broken one too many times. He has a fading scar on the left side of his jaw, and I notice it may be the biggest scar, but not the only one. He's muscular, and a bit too muscular for my taste, considering it means he's stronger than me in muscle mass.

I suddenly notice I'm allowing him to carry me, and I pound on his chest, "I can walk." He ignores me and I reach down to punch him in the jewels. He swiftly catches my hand, "Nice try, princess." I growl lowly, snarling at him. He smiles, looking down fondly at me. "You'll make a fantastic Luna," he says, pride beaming from his voice. My wolf is practically howling from the compliment, wanting to take her rightful position as head of this pack. I shake my head quickly, "Good luck with that." He kisses my forehead, "Baby, you've met your match."

I gasp at him, "As if." He smirks at me. Referring to him kissing my head I say, "Don't you ever try that shit again." He frowns, and it's my turn to smirk. I push myself off of him, walking by his sides. He sighs in annoyance, but allows that distance.

We walk in silence until we reach the top of the dungeon stairs. "My pack will be eager to meet you," he says. He suddenly frowns, stopping me in my tracks. "I don't know your name." I roll my eyes, "It's Nicky." "That's lovely," he whispers, stepping closer to me, "I'm Chase." "That's lovely," I mock him. He growls at me, and continues walking.

I follow him closely. We reach a kitchen and it seems as if a large portion of the pack is in there. They all pause to stare at us. An older woman rushes to us and she reeks of power, "Goodness, are you okay?" My mate smiles at the woman, "Mom, she's a trooper." I almost smile at my mate calling me a trooper, but I catch myself. The woman pulls me into a hug. I stand still, twitching slightly. She then hugs Chase, "I cannot believe you've found your mate!" Chase grins, "I'm going to go get her changed."

Before we leave he decided to announce my arrival, "Your new Luna, everyone!" I feel like blushing, but I contain myself. I grab his hand and he looks at me with shock. I pull him to the stairs that lead away from the kitchen.

As we walk to his room, he refuses to let go of my hand. "Can you like get off of me?" I ask, glaring at him. "No." This was going to suck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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