Universe 4: Part 2 (very fuckin short)

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(I don't have a lot of ideas for this anymore, it's been months. I'm moving on. However just know this universe along with universe #2 are special to the multiverse.)

May 15th, 2021:

It's been a year since the worst fucking day of my life happened to me, but ever since I burned the fuck out of that GODDAMN building, along with the ruthless murder of you should know who, I basically had the GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE. If only she wasn't behind me when I killed Derrick, cause that only led to problems with our "friendship" afterwards. Anyways she already had her suspicions of why and who burned the complex down, and when she noticed how my injuries were magically gone, it finally clicked in her head. Lemme tell you, she got into an argument on how murder is 'immoral' and how she held back on killing after she realized what happened to Tom in his past, and then we got into a bigger argument on how not taking vengeance on your tormenter is the reason why he's dead in the first place. Things then started to get a little bit physical, then a LOT physical, spoiler alert: I won. Don't worry she's still alive, but she doesn't mean shit to me anymore. Another thing that happened like..I dunno a couple weeks later since that was me hunting down that demon fucker for more control with my powers, anyway I found him and stole his robe/jacket thing whatever the hell you wanna call it.

I dunno a couple weeks later since that was me hunting down that demon fucker for more control with my powers, anyway I found him and stole his robe/jacket thing whatever the hell you wanna call it

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Turns out it's the one thing that prevents those blackouts I had, and let me tell you: I legit can't count the amount of casualties I've woken up to because of them. Other than that that's all of the real interesting things that happened, other than that was me having a life I can finally control for once...actually there was one real interesting thing I saw in the sky a couple of hours ago. There were these words talking about an alternate universe and a voice that sounded just like mine saying he was the second version of me...or the second version of us...

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