Chapter 1 on my way to school🏫

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Name:  y/n

Personality: sweet nice kind

Hobbies: sing dance read hanging with BFF
Friends: mal

Name: JK

Personality: psycho weird scary creepy sweet

Hobbies: kidnapping and  killing

Friends: none

This is the story of how I fell in love with my yandere obsession name JK


BTW this is what you were to your college

I was at my last year of college until I ran into theirs sweet hot guy

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I was at my last year of college until I ran into theirs sweet hot guy

Y/n: omg I hope I'm not late for .... OUCH!

JK:  OUCH! Omg im so sorry

Y/n: omg no it's my fault I should have watched were I was

When I looked at his face his smile his nice facial structure and voice it's so... amazing wow never seen a guy with very nice hair and face like a model
After  words he snapped me back to the reality
Jk: the names JK by the way
Y/n: well nice to meet you I'm y/n

JK: cool see you around

Y/n: see you
God he's cute

Then I didn't know I was going to be his obsession

End of y/n's POV


When I was walking planing my next attack I felt something his my chest it hurts a tad bit in was alright she was on the ground so I helped her up she stared at my for a little memorizing my beauty but I shrugged it off after I helped her up she looked like her face was carved by Greek goddesses but I try to ignored we introduced and I had to bid my good bye Evan tho I don't want her to go I want her to be mine forever I love her but now I need a plan to get her but I must wait soon I need to gain her trust and love

Then now after a few days her stuff was going missing her picture,perfume,some clothes and her used favorite fantey panties yup used how grows🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢

Y/n: omg I swear I couldn't find it mal

Mal: did you cheak your laundry

Y/n: yes and my underwear is not there someone has to have token it for the past few days things are acting strange

Mal: what do mean strange

Y/n: well sometimes I feel arms around me and when I wake up my bed has hairs and has been slept in

Mal: so someone has slept next to you in your bed

Y/n: yup including my stuff has been gone some clothes perfume and Mabey my used favorite underwear including my picture like what's next my pubic hair

Mal: so your telling me someone has stolen your clothes,perfume,picture also your underwear

Y/n: yup

Mal: ewwww that's sick what kind of person would do that Mabey you should Ask JK I see the way he looks at you and me

Y/n: oh come on I'm sure he's not like that I hope

End of y/n's POV


Ya I have been going to her house stealing her stuff to do well... some stuff also been sleeping in her bed I Evan been taking her picture and also her pubic hair man don't it smell like roses and daisy

End of JK's POV and chapter 1

My yandere obsession jk ffWhere stories live. Discover now