Chapter 4, Warriors

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As frostpaw and her abusive littermates squealed in delight when they found out their assessment was today, it disappeared once they found they needed 5 pieces of prey. well no problem for her, she is an excellent hunter, and alrready caught 4. She stalked toward her last mouse. She leaped, grabbing it by the tail, and giving the killing bite. After bringing it all back, her mentor nodded approvingly, and brought it to the fresh kill pile. 


"Stoneclaw, has your apprentice trained hard for this moment?"

"Yes, Moonstar," Stoneclaw replied.

"Frostpaw, do you wish to defend your clan and the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"

"Y-yes Moonstar," Frostpaw stammered.

"Then by the powers of starclan, from now on, Frostpaw, you will be known as Frostslayer. We honor your strength and courage".

The name that Frostslayer was hoping for was Frostheart, but at least her littermates won't abuse her anymore. Rockfall and Thornfang were now scared of her, as they were the only ones to notice the scent of murder on her claws, but they knew better than to tell on a murderer. 

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