Chapter 1

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A young girl was playing on the swings with the only family she had left, her dad. "Daddy higher, higher!" The little girl yelled out, her father shook his head while smiling at his little princess. He knew that she was going to grow up to be a strong and kind. But, today didn't feel right to him. It felt odd, but he shook it off and pushed it aside, knowing his baby girl was safe. The father pushed the young girl higher, until a cold wind blew by him, making the father freeze in fear.

He knew what it was. He knew his daughter had to get to safety. Then, the father stopped the swing and got in front of the young girl. He knew this was his last time with her. He could feel it..

"Sophia, sweetie, listen. Daddy loves you a lot, but you have to run. Run as fast as you can. You have to go away. Okay, sweetie? Please don't look back. Just run, don't look promise me" he said with a single tear siding down his face . He got the little girl off of the swing, kissed her head, and pushed her towards the woods.

"Run" He whispered as he pushed her carefully towards the woods. The little eight year-old girl ran as fast as she could. But, it wasn't fast enough. A cold hand grabbed her. Everything went black just as gunshots ripped out through the air....

"It's just a memory." I whispered to myself, sighing to myself hanging my head letting my jet black hair that mattered, it was once full of life, now it dark and lifeless fell over my face. As I sat back on the cold stone wall. Looking down trying to push back the pain and loss, after years you would think this hell I call my life wouldn't affect me much. You're wrong, it's like a nightmare that never stops, never ending.

I shivered as the metal slammed open letting the cold air rush in with the little clothing I have on didn't make it any ways better as the cold washed over my skinny body, I looked up though my locks seeing three build the men two armed with rifles, while the other was dragging youngish girl by her hair while she kicked and scream. They came to a cage beside me and thrown her in side making her head hit the floor she whimper in pain she looked beside her to me I could see in her eyes begging  me to help, I but couldn't even if I tried I knew that outcome I have the scars to show what happen so I hang my head looked down.

"Now little girl be a good girl because if your not" said the guy who just thrown the girl in cage while he looked her up and down, licking his lips "we will have some fun" he finish while smirking as she cried out and all three men laughed as they walked back out the door slamming it and locking it as they left.

The mafia isn't a world in which my father was a leader and well known in the mafia world to that day so many years ago he was taken down by his enemy and I was taken now I just root in this hell I was in a cage to I tried to escape but that didn't end well, now a chained to this stone wall.

I heard a soft whimper beside me making me look up to the girl "what going to happen" she choked out between her cries.

I sigh and decide to answer her "honesty I don't know" I said as my voice came out dry due to lack of talking to anyone. Which just made her cry even harder filling the room, I just sigh resting back on the wall, crying or screaming don't get you anywhere I knew this you just get everything twice as bad if they have to came down to shut you up I just sigh again, closing my eyes letting the nightmares wash over me once again.

I woken up to the door slamming open and the three men that dragged the girl down earlier came through the door with smirks on their faces, 'oh this not good' I thought to myself I watched as they walked the the girl cage door, ripping it open as she hidden in the corner of the cage but it didn't stop then form grading her by the hair and drag her out as she scream and clawed at the male thee had her.

"Let me go you fucker" she scream as she fought against him as she was drag up to the door, thee other male began to walk over to me "boss want you to bitch" he said as grad the chain that where tied to both my hands and yanked me to my feet pulling close to him "it's a shame all these years locked thee bitch down here but he never lets play maybe a little touch wont hurt" said a male behind him as he licked his lip as lusted filled his eyes

"Ryder you know not to touch boss will cut your cock off" the male that had my chain said to male behind him who name in Ryder, which snorted and waked it the door the male blocked my chain form the floor and pulled out his gun putting it under my japushing up making me look him the eyes has he moved closer to me which made my body Shiver and discuss

"Now bitch the boss has business deal with another mafia now be good girl behave or I blow your fucking pretty brains out got it" he said and I just weakly nodded my head with that he takeene theee cold metal form my under my jaw and pushed mee in front of him why he moved thee gun to my back as we walked throw the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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