"I need you to take care of her"

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It was quiet. The only noise was the slight clink of chopsticks against dishes, fueled by the ambiance of the pouring rain outside. The head of the house had recently returned from a mission, and those evenings were usually somber and quiet. A few soft thuds were heard from the front door when everyone had started to finish up.

"Lord Tengen, someone's at the door," Hinatsuru spoke in a whisper, breaking the man out of his trance. Without a word, Uzui set down his bowl and stood from the table. His bare feet padded across the wooden floors until he reached the front entryway. He paused, confused when he heard two heartbeats outside the door. One quickly pounding, nervous, and rushed; The other slowly and mellow, a child asleep, yet sad. Who could possibly be out there in this weather?

"Who's out there?" He called. No one answered him but he heard the adult's heart quicken. They heard him, yet were ignoring him. His gaze hardened as he reached for the katana leaning next to the door. This was a simple katana, left near the door for defending the house. He drew the blade and opened the door.

"Lord Tengen? Who is it?" Hinatsuru called out. She was answered by the clang of the katana dropping against the wooden floor.

"Lord Tengen~?" Suma hesitantly peeped out, setting down her bowl. Makio stood and raced to the door. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Uzui standing in the rain, embracing a dark figure.

"Lord... Tengen?" Tengen pulled back, and Makio saw a face almost identical to Uzui's. The other two girls made it to the entryway and reacted similarly to Makio when they saw the strange doppelgänger.

"Brother, what are you doing here?" Uzui's voice was quiet enough to almost be silenced by the rain, however not quite, as Suma gasped slightly.

"Older brother, I cannot stay here long, I've merely come to ask you a favor. I know I have no right to ask after abandoning you all those years ago... but I beg of you."

"Stop," Uzui commanded in a powerful voice. "Kenji, you cannot come to my doorstep after being dead for years and then leave. That is the most un-flashiest thing I've heard. Explain."

"I- I don't have time to exp-" Uzui's glare left no room for discussion. Kenji sighed. "After father's hellish training, I- I gave in. I couldn't take it anymore and faked my death. I left with a woman from the village, Yui. We left together, and I've regretted leaving you all ever since." The silence filled the air, the pouring rain not letting up, yet it still seemed to quiet itself at the secret. "I never should have left, and I'm paying for it now."

Uzui's younger brother shifted and the three girls could see a large bundle in his arms, covered by a blanket. The fabric shifted and the face of a young girl, about six or seven, came into view, fast asleep. She had dried blood on her face and a thick coating of blood on her hands. She had messy purple hair with a white stripe framing the left side of her face. Kenji lifted her up and into Uzui's arms.

"I need you to take care of her. They are after me and Yui paid the ultimate price for it." Tears started to well up in his eyes. "Please, if not for me, for my daughter, Rin."

Hey! So I don't expect anyone to actually read this... But I wanted to post it anyway cause why not! Please let me know if there are any confusing spots or anything spelled wrong because I would love to fix it and make this story the best!!

Peace... -Author

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