Attack I

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Attack Ⅰ

Here I was staring straight at the shark. My board still floating at the surface. I could see it's yellow stripe straight down the white piece of wood that was now cut in half. The predator lunged at my leg and bit me but I could move too and dove down. I tried to remember what Mr. Beats had taught us at the lifeguard center but all I can remember is how hot it was. I really should start paying attention in training I thought. I made a vow that if I got out of this situation alive I would start to pay way closer attention to his lectures.

I started to swim as fast as I could towards the beach. I wasn't that far, only about two hundred meters. That's smaller than your warm up in practice I reminded myself. I kicked, pulled, streamlined whatever it took to get me away from the giant fish. The pain in my leg became more and more noticeable as I grew closer. I peaked my head over the top of the water to see how close I was to the beach. YES! Only fifty more meters! I can do this! I started to see sand on the bottom rise closer to my face. Once I thought I was close enough I placed my feet down as quickly as I could stood up and started to run. "SHARK!!" I screamed. "SHARK!!" Heads turned so quick I could almost feel their whiplash. I felt around my neck as a nervous habit.






My necklace wasn't there.

I went into a panicked frenzy diving past the crowds of people into the water to find it. My leg started to bleed and I knew I was in trouble but, I had to find it. It couldn't be too far right? I searched the bank of sand at my feet. Finally I saw it. A leather band wrapped around a lime green crystal. I felt the relief in my stomach settle. But right before I could grab it, another hand was laid on top. "Hey!" I said forgetting about being underwater. My eyes followed the hand up to its owner shocked to see a girl my age with long flowing blond hair staring back at me. She and I both made a yelping sound muffled by the whole underwater thing. She looked annoyed and calm until she saw my legs I assumed it was the blood until I looked down at her legs TAIL? I couldn't hide my shock when I looked down and instead of seeing a set of legs, I saw a scaly golden tail. I almost choked so I kicked my way to the surface. This girl looked about as scared as I did so I don't blame her-much-for her actions the last thing I remember is her tail whacking my head.

I woke up in a strange place. I could hear the ocean's noises of the water rising on the beach, but for some odd reason I couldn't open my eyes! The felt glued shut by an imaginary force. I heard three new voices. "Is she awake?" Someone said. For your sake I'll call them 1 2 and 3. "Can she see us?" 2 asked one of them. "Nahh. The iop Tkona will keep those suckers shut tight until we want them to!" 3 said. "But if she is a ruep can't she hear us?" 1 asked. "Time to find out..." 3 answers very mysteriously. For a split second there is the feeling of free falling and then I am immediately cold and wet. She threw me in the water! I immediately think. Strange instincts kick in and I try to kick to the surface but something heavy is on my legs. I kick as hard as I can one last time and feel the warm air. My lungs hurt but strangely I liked it better underwater. I had been underwater for over twenty minutes and I wasn't in any need for air nor was my my ears pounding from the terrific depths. Still I thought I should probably head back up.

I started to kick my way to the surface relieved that the heavy weight was no longer dragging my legs down. I broke the surface after sometime expecting to see some people. I was right! (sort of..)

"Agh! So I see you've opened your eyes tadpole! How do you like it!

The hair? The dress? Was the starfish a little much?" The voice of 3 greeted me happily. I noticed she was the same girl that had tried to take my necklace. "Umm! What?" I asked very VERY confused. "She hasn't noticed yet?!" The voice of 1 whispered to who I guess must have been 2.

2 had very curly (like ringlet curly) long black hair, weaved in and out with seaweed. I looked down to see a midnight blue tail her eyes were the exact same color giving her a very mysterious look. "Tan cara tadpole, I'm Venus.." she said. Her voice was very silk, it seemed like the words hung on for dear life and she had to fling them off her tongue. I looked at the one with the braided blond hair. "I'm Melody." she said. "Sorry about hitting you in the head." she said apologetically. "That's fine, say do you have my necklace?" I asked accusingly. "It's on your neck." I looked over to my left where the girl possessing the voice of 1 stood floated. Her hair was the color of flames burnt orange and red and at it's tips it looked to be on fire even though it was wet. There was a silver chain with orange crystals around her head and her tail was the same color as her hair. (It also had the same fire effect.) Her eyes were horrifying it looked like I was staring into the depths of a volcano.

"Zaop!" she said. Her bubbly and chipper pitch completely threw off her look. "Zaop is the Auln quoli for fire." Venus said. "Oh?" I tried to sound like I knew what they were talking about. I didn't. I have this habit of braiding my hair when I'm lying, bored, or in this situation nervous. When I reached for a strand of hair to pull in front of my face, I noticed something strange.

 Your hair is green. Not only was it green it also had a starfish pinning it back. I remembered what- Melody I think? -said. "Do you like the dress?" What could she mean by that certainly I couldn't be wearing... "WHY AM I WEARING A TOGA??!" I screamed out of sheer confusion I forgot about treading water and sunk.

When I came back up they were all laughing. "Come on," Zaop said. "Let's take you to meet Queen Amosa!"

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