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hi I just need feedback tell me if you hate this before I start writing it lol

leave it at the bottom I'll leave a lil spot


My whole life was planned out for me.

I have a good job. My dream job. It's not much, I know, but it's all I ever wanted to do. I enjoy it, I love going to work.

I have a nice apartment. Well, had as of about 11 hours ago. No way I'm going back there now, I don't care what he says.

My dog. I love my dog. He's in the passenger seat as we speak, minding his own business.

I was engaged. In love. Thoroughly in love. He's the man of my dreams, he always will be. I can't fault him for falling in love with someone else.

In his defense, he tried to stay with me. He never cheated on me once, but I could see it in his eyes, in the way they talked to each other. They're meant to be together. Who am I to stand in the way of that?

She works with us at the hospital. She's a surgeon for babies for Christ's sake. A god damn ethereal surgeon at that. She radiates positivity, never makes a mistake, she's kind and beautiful and funny, who wouldn't fall in love with her?

He knew her from med school. They were both from Boston, spent years denying they had feelings for each other, then got separated once they started their surgical residencies. He was sent here and she was sent to California. Honestly, I understand why they denied their feelings, I've never been one for long distance relationships. I'm not big on the physical touch aspect, but I like for my significant other to be there with me. It would be hard, I have mad fucking respect for people who do it.

I'm getting off track. Sorry.

Anyway, fast forward. I had been working at the hospital as a fetal sonographer for a couple years when Jackson started his residency here. It's the basic love story, honestly. We met at the coffee cart, I accidentally grabbed his, we hit it off, and eventually we moved in together and then got engaged.

And you might be thinking that's backwards. Living together while dating and then getting engaged.

But no. No fucking way I'm moving in with someone after signing documents that tie us together.

You may think you know someone well, but trust me, living with them is an entirely different ballgame than just dating them.

If you move in with someone after you get married, you have giant fucking King Kong balls. Well, in my opinion, at least.

Jesus, I can't stay on track.

We'd been living together about 3 years when she showed up. I was with him in the hallway when they ran into each other. I saw it in their eyes the second they saw each other.

I knew I was fucked.

But he stayed loyal, regardless of what he was feeling. They are both surgeons, so they worked together a lot. I never got to see him, really, unless they needed a cardiac sonographer for something. I'm certified, but I like showing new parents the babies in their bellies more than showing people the issues with their hearts.

But her, I saw a lot. When I noticed a problem with a fetus, she's the one I'd page.

I wanted to hate her, I really did.

But god is that woman a bombshell.

She's 5'10, got the bone structure of a goddess, helps sick kids, and would never say an unkind word to anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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