Shadowborne Legacy

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Remy was a sweet boy who loved his family. He had to grow up at an early age as his mother had died during child birth. His dad left him and his brothers and sisters to fend for themselves which made things difficult for Remy as he was still little and hunting was becoming difficult for him to do. Until he met a pretty young girl named Skye.

Skye was known for being very sweet, and kind natured but she was also very shy and kept mostly to herself. She gathered some things to take to market for her grams so they could have some extra money and on this particular day her little world would change.

Gambit sat there and watched over his new siblings that his dad had named Silver and her twin brother Dg while his brother Remy was out looking for food.

It was then that there came a loud knock on the door as it was shoved open as two guards from the Kings court came and snatched them both up as his baby brother G tried his best to defend them before getting back handed as he started crying from a busted lip.

Remy approached the fair cautiously as he spotted Skye sitting there as he looked at her with hungry eyes and a growling tummy as she looked up into a set of blue eyes and couldn't help but be saddened by the fact that he was to skinny and his clothes were ill fitting.

"Come here little boy, I won't hurt you, are you hungry?" Skye said as she blushed slightly before watching him approach her slowly.

Ella or grams as most called her was bringing in food that she had made to sell and saw the young boy talking to her grand daughter and smiled at him.

"Hello young one." Ella remarked as she watched him scooch away as though she was gonna take his food.

"Uh hi miss." Remy replied as he looked at her. "Could you possibly help me and my family?" He asked as he sniffled.

"Whats wrong with your family honey?" Ella asked with a worried expression.

"We're all alone just me my brothers and sisters since our mom died during child birth."

"Where's your father and what's your name if I may inquire?" Ella asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

"He deserted us and the name is Remy." He said as he looked at them both and smiled.

After everything was finished Ella grabbed Skyes hand then motioned for Remy to follow them. "Come on Remy let's go get your siblings and then we go home."

"I have a large family will that be a problem?" Remy asked as he took Skyes hand and interlocked his fingers with hers.

"Nope I have plenty of room and then some." Ella told him as they got closer to the shack that him and his siblings lived in.

Remy heard crying from within and turned loose of Skye as he ran inside to see his brother with a split lip sitting on his ass.

G saw two people run towards him and he scooted back as far as he could and tried to hide his face.

"What the hell happened little brother?" Remy asked as he reached down and held him tight.

"They took the twins wemy." G said heartbroken as he cried more.

Ella lifted him up and held him tightly as Skye started to sing him a lullaby. G fell instantly asleep as she grabbed all the little ones that were there and took them home with her and Skye.

Remy couldn't help but be enchanted by the sound of Skyes pure and beautiful voice.

(Several years later)
Silver woke up in the servants quarters beaten, abused and looking as though she hadn't been bathed in months. Her once white hair had streaks of blackish brown filth and her body was covered in cuts and purple bruises that were sore to the touch and she cried from the pain and endless abuse that she often thought would never end.

"Get up you lazy useless bitch and get to work." One of the guards that had raped her the night before shouted as he lifted her up and jerked her out by the arm and shoved a tray of food at her.

"What am I to do with this?" She asked barely able to hold the tray properly much less walk upright.

"You'll take it to the dungeon and give it to the monster there, the one who bores an uncanny resemblance to you." The guard yelled at her.

Silver shivered as she made her way down the cold damp wet stairs, careful not to drop it unless she wanted to get beat and raped again.

She made her way to the big wide heavy doors and pushed with all her strength as she heard loud screams of torment. Silver stopped as she looked around the corner and saw a young boy with white hair and eyes the same color as hers, looking at her with the smallest trace of recognition before his eyes turned black with a promise of pain and retribution.

The guards took him and slammed him in the dungeon before they saw her standing there. "What the hell do you want and what are you doing here, you're not supposed to be here!!" He yelled as she tried to explain why. "I'm supposed to be here." Silver whimpered softly before getting hit in the face.

"Well serve him then, maybe you'll survive the experience and may be you won't, who knows and who cares." Another guard replied as he looked at her.

Dark Gambit heard what was going on but as bad as he had been treated, he really couldn't bring himself to care about anything except his own pain. Still he let out a low deep rumbly feral growl. "Your time is coming, just go ahead and step inside." He said with a dry scratchy throaty voice.

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