9 - to late...

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||beware there for sbi will find something out||


no. its still wholesome >:)

||no ones pov||

tommy was doing some paper work already knowing this day will be chaotic already, half way done the with the work then he reads something interesting a news named "angle of death's son has been kidnaped" at first he was thinking about wilbur or techno but no. it showed a picture of a blonde haired kid, front hair was pink like technos and the rest of his hair was blonde, white streak like wilbur and phil, blue eyes.

the image was blurry but he could tell, it was a perfect image of himself, but he brushed it off, it couldnt be him.. right?.. he finishes  the paper work and went off to visit his fiancé, after a while of walking he was infront of the office and he knocks on the door to hear deo saying "who is it??"

"its me deo" tommy says "Oh!, sunshine come in" deo yells, tommy opens the door and sits down on the nearest chair "why didnt you just open the door?" deo said "i just thought you were busy" tommy said "only busy for you" deo said "oh my, fuck off." tommy said "anyway, what are you here for sunshine" deo said "i was bored" tommy replies "by the way, what will you do if they find out you are my fiancé" tommy says "oh fuck, i didnt think about that, ill probably die" deo said "by the way i heard warden has been working on some stuff" tommy said

name: sam ______________

hero name: warden

age: __

desc: pro at red stone, good at making machines, good at taking care of kids

power: creeper (makes him haft creeper, can create explosions, can explode when feeling a strong emotion but doesnt die and it doesnt hurt him) enchant (can enchant any item or power when he wants) and warden (gives him good hearing, gives him good strength)

"dont change the subject on me when im going to die" deo said "L" tommy said "wow so rude" deo said, they talked for a while but then they heard knocking on the door, "whos there?" deo asks "its me siren" wilbur says "come in" deo responds, wilbur went in the room and his eyes lands on tommy "i didnt know you where here tommy" wilbur says "i was just having a chat with deo" tommy said "are you sure you guys aren't dating, you guys hand out alot" wilbur said in a joking way

"actually hes my fiancé" tommy said with a nervous expression and after that sentence wilbur got quiet then through out the heroes hq, the heroes and employees heard someone screaming "WHAT?!?!?!?" through out the building, tommy hit wilbur's head and said "SHUT THE FUCK UP"

"rip that siren ayyyyy" deo says "im going to murder you" wilbur glared at deo "jump off the building" wilbur said while using his power, deo stood up, opened the widow and yeeted himself of, after that he gained consciousness and realized what he did while tommy going after him (elytrian form) 

||a while later at the sbi's floor||

"BITCH WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!" tommy yelled "please dont fight" phil said "WHEN YOU SAID YOU HAD A FIANCE I THOUGHT YOU WERE JOKING" wilbur said "wait what?" techno who was listening in the shadows came in the room "YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU ND DEO WERE FIANCES" after that sentence the techno and phil became quiet "YOU NEVER ASKED" tommy said "YOU'VE BEEN WORKING HERE FOR 3 WEEKS AND YOU NEVER SAID ANYTHING" wilbur said 

after 1 second the 2 realized phil and techno where quiet as fuck and then wilbur realized the belt on phil's hand and tommy realized the sword on techno's hand "no-" tommy said looking at the two and then look at wilbur who was now grinning "NO-" tommy said again but it was to late, they already ran off, tommy had nothing to do other than wish for deos safety





because yes, now bye

wait another 100000000000000 years.

shapeshifter(ᴠɪɢɪʟᴀɴᴛᴇ) assistant [] vigilante tommy au[]Where stories live. Discover now