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"Hello Darling." A deep alluring voice drawled out. It was that man, the one who was pounding against the window just before I was thrown in here.

He looked a lot different from when I had first saw him he was butt naked(A/N: I don't know if he was naked, I think but there was a shadow covering that area, but there I didn't see pants)and terrified.

But now standing before me was a neatly dressed man, a vest, bow tie, black gloves. It looked like he had hemorrhages in his eyes, one was completely red and the other was only a little, bright blue eyes. His head was completely shaved on both sides except for a strip of hair on top of his head. And half his face was covered in bright blisters and peeling.

"Um, hi...?" I replied, backing up against the wall seeing that he was moving closer to me, and he was MUCH taller than me, and I was 6'1, "uh, thanks for the hand."

"It's no problem, you seemed to be in dire need of help."

"Yea... Why did you help? Everyone seemed a bit pre-occupied with their own devious agendas, why bother to stop and help?"

He placed a hand on his chin, looking up thinking, then looking back down on me and I shivered, it looked like he was reading right through me, "I don't know, I feel like we've met, and I wanted to help, I'm Eddie Gluskin, and you?"

"Uh, Waylon P-"

I was cut when there was a banging noise on the door, "Well, lets finish introductions for later, we should figure out how to get out of here."

"How so? You gonna fight them off big guy?" I said sarcastically, crossing my arms.

He grinned, "If I need to."

I looked around the room, scanning for a window or a, "A Shaft!"

I pointed upwards to the ceiling, there was a vent, looked large enough for us. He back at it and made a 'Ah-Ha!' noise then turned to me, placing his very large hand on my head, "Good observation!"

I brushed it off, "Come, before they manage to break the door down."

I quickly stepped over to it and lifted my arms up and began pulling myself up. I suddenly felt a pair of hands on my thighs pushing me up into the vent, "Ah! There you go!"

I blushed a little at the hand placement, I heard him grunt and a thud of his knees hitting the vent. We began crawling down the vent in silence until I stopped at a vent, there were two guards talking about calling for help. One seemed extremely distressed while the other was more calm. 

The distressed one talked about a radio and it might be working since all the power was on. The calmer one said no, if they asked for outside help then it'd draw outside attention, and said he didn't want to be responsible for the unspeakable things that were done here and proceeded to threaten the other man to not even think about radioing for help.

Once they walked away, Eddie Spoke up, "What despicable men, I'm assuming what he meant by that is that Murkoff will handle this, but Lord knows when they'll figure out what's happening here."

" So we should get to that radio and signal for help." We continued down the shaft till it came to a dead end, opening out to a room. I jumped down and Eddie followed after, I stopped and looked up at him and he tilted his head, raising a brow.

"Um, of course you don't have to follow me. I can go by myself, I'm sure you have your own agendas here. Everyone seems hell bent on killing and torturing every guard they can get their hands on." I said scratching the back of my head, making a face of disgust thinking of the things I've seen.

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