I. The FingerLoss Case

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T/W - mild-talks about killing

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T/W - mild-talks about killing.




The words echoed in the hall and as the agents shot bullets right through the target. Five of them concentrating only over their target as they shot the bullet, their hands over the gun as they pulled the trigger back and targeted again.

The 100 metre distance shooting between the agents and their targets was nothing compared to their past exam of 1 kilometre running. Them sitting in the center of the ground specially made for such tough practices, the other candidates surrounding them in a directions from a good 200 metre distance. The agents aimed again at the target, their ear wear tightly constricting the fumbling outer sounds.

"Daebak (It's Amazing)," Shin-ho muttered as she saw her best friend shooting bullets by bullets faster than other agents present. Her best friend was the only girl in the group of top five. The only who has completed three missions in a year among their troop. She gazed at them amazed, standing infront of the wired boundary.

"That's it," The agents heard the speaker screeching loudly, stopping the moment they heard the sound.

Park Shin-Han, nodded his head towards the man who was screeching of the loudspeaker as he looked down from the top building they were in, to check and watch the final part of the agents. Shin-Han being the senior agent of the group and the main trusty of the branch left the room and descended towards the agents, his steps adequate enough to make other gasp over the authority the posh man was giving out. His dark short hair sticked to each other as if glued together, the specs over the bridge of his nose looking emiting dominance ae he came infromt of his top five agents.

"Agents" His voice boomed, making Shin-ho lose her balance but she was lucky enough as her boyfriend, Hae-Sik, caught her by arm before she could embarrass herself more. She looked at the person towards the center, her head bowed down in embarrassment.

Shin-Han looked at every person present before clearing his throat and as he stood in the middle of the the ground.

"Today was the last day of your training. Now, you all will be send to be famous businessmen as their lead bodyguards. You know what you have to do after that, you five are the best of our candidates and I, personally prefer you all to do the mission better. Our work lays on your hand," Han-shin said, and the five candidates nodded their head.

He smirked and started his walk towards the 1st candidate, it was time to check what his bests could do.

"Introduce yourself," he asked the 1st candidate who nodded his head and took of his helmet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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