Chapter 1

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Nothing feels better than riding. Nothing could achieve the rush of adrenaline and the connection between man and beast. the wind running though your hair as the world around you became nothing but a mere blur of colors and figures. Emyr had always loved the thrill of riding with his loyal steed Cystenian. If you were to ever ask him what his one true escape from his troubles and worries were, Emyr would quickly say riding before you could even finish your sentence.

"Emyr you get your butt back here and answer my question!" Emyr sighed and took a minute to glance behind him to see his dear friend Andraste rushing behind him. "Emyr!" He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at his friend's antics. For an Elven princess she sure was...rough around the edges. They chased each other through the forest, rushing past trees, animals, plants and other miscellaneous inhabitants of nature. Emyr felt the roughness of the chilling wind pressing hard against his cheeks, something that he had grown accustomed to, and slowed down his pace till eventually the horse was merely walking among the peace of the surrounding scenery.

"What do you want Andraste?" He finally answered.

"Do not act so coy!" She giggled. "You know exactly what I'm going to ask." Emyr felt heat rushing to his face but continued to maintain a calm demur.

"I do?" He looked ahead. "I'm afraid I have no idea what you are talking about."

"You have been gone for about two hours with your Father, what were you discussing?"

"I never thought that an Elf would be this nosy, I thought your people honored privacy." He questioned the young Lady. She huffed while moving her long golden hair behind her pointed ears. You can clearly tell that she was of royal blood by her elegant royal blue gown with gold trimmings around the bottom and a golden circlet wrapped around her forehead. But her behavior would definitly have you second guess your first opinion. while most Elves are deemed as demur and graceful, Andraste was more of a free spirit and adventurous, much like himself but to a larger degree.

"Am I not your best friend? One would think that I deserve at least some information." She said before gently tapping her horse with her heel, commanding it to increase it's speed so that they were now side by side one another.

Emyr shook his head but complied to her demands. "Well if you must know, he was just discussing how I was in um...maintaining the family name." He cleared his throat.

"You mean he asked if you have found a wife?" She tilted her head slightly in curiosity. "I highly doubt that merely asking such a question could take as long as it did." She shook her head.

"Well at first that was the question..." He muttered.

Emyr dared not speak a word for he feared that whatever motion he said would be misconstrued as disobedience. his heart pounded in his ears as the silence of the room chocked him. Do not get him wrong, he loved his father and mother dearly. They were both wise and kind hearted rulers of the Kingdom and would never punish those without a true reason. In other circumstance he would never be this unnerved by this summon but...somthing seemed off, something seemed different. He could not help but feel a bit unnerved at the situation he was now in and could not help but wish to have this whole thing done and over with. At first when his father's most trusted servant Afron had told him of his parents' wishing to speak with him, he had figured that it was merely to greet him a good morning but now...seeing how serious both his parents' looked as they sat upon their thrones, he was not so sure of his first thought. He glanced up at his father's broad yet aged figure and subconsciously gulp. His father was a tall and muscular man, through years of training and war he had maintain this feat, He dressed in robes of dark purple and red with gold trimmings around his cape. He glanced up at the crown that would soon be his in the near future and could not help but marble at the rich jewels it possessed. He turned his gaze towards his mother and felt relief at the more calm aura radiating off of her. She dressed in similar shades of his father but instead wore a long gown. Her crown was not as jewel filled as her husbands but still possessed the royal appeal. He can not help but feel a little bit intimated.

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