Chapter 3

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I know you guys are probably thinking that I rushed a bit into the relationship between Emyr and Arthfael but don't worry things will definitely slow down lol

Emyr tried to keep an open mind and not to judge the surroundings that he had been placed in. He was more than excited actually to see how the men and women assigned to protect him and his family homed the necessary skills that one must have in order to truly serve the royal family and its people. His mind envisioned  rigorous training sessions, massive fights and brawls and men and women competing against each other in test of their own strength. Images of dirt and dust scattering across the fields as the mighty warriors battled it out in the name of protecting their people flashed into his colorful mind and he could not help the excitement that rushed through his veins like the rivers within the woods. However, he was mildly disappointed to find that the images that he had created in his mind were not as vivid and true as he had hoped.

In fact, the only think that laid true to what his mind had mustered up was the dust and dirt, only instead of flying across in a valiant blaze of glory, it more or less laid motionless on the ground and on the equipment. He glanced around at the men and women sitting in different sections of the small training area, conversing and gossiping instead of fighting and training. He sniffed the air and inwardly gasped at the smell of sweat and tobacco filled his lungs. 'By the gods...!'  He controlled his urge to cover his mouth. It was as if looking at an abandoned village with wooden sheds and huts surrounding the sandy plains. Men and women surrounded him in either ordinary tunics, consisted of dark colors, or training armor, definitely not as shiny or extravagant as his imagination had pictured.

"Arthfael!" both men turned to face the directing of the voice only to spot a tall woman with long black hair tied into a high ponytail. From the dirt that lied on her black tunic and on her soft yet mature face, Emyr clearly concluded that she must be in training such as Arthfael. The strange woman stopped in front of them with a grin on her dirt covered face.

"You really missed a great trick we pulled on Brandr." She chuckled cheerfully. Her eyes then glanced over to Emyr and realization quickly came to her face. "Y-Your majesty!" Her outburst brought the attention, most of it unwanted, of the whole area who glanced and gasped at Emyr's direction. "I-I apologies for my attire!" She and the others quickly bowed to the young prince, causing said prince's face to flush.

"O-Oh um It's quite alright," He waved his hands with a nervous smile on his face. "I do however would appropriate it if you would stand now..." He said shyly. "...I had hoped to not cause such a commotion." She looked up and nodded quickly.

"Are you all deaf?!" She screamed. "Get back to work!" Her tone was loud and commanding, a feat that almost made Emyr want to work with the other, less he wanted to feel the fury that her fist would be able to do. "I apologies your majesty I um...did not expect someone of your status to ever appear on these grounds."

"Yes well...I figured I might as well see how the future protectors of my family are doing." He lied. Emyr frowned at the sound of small chuckle coming from Arthfael and Emyr hoped to the gods he does not decide to bring about the truth.

"Oh..." She nodded. "Oh forgive me! I'm Eira Abailard!" She bowed once more. "It is an honor to meet you my prince."

Emyr smiled. "It is a pleasure to meet you Eira."

"If you don't mind me asking though sir...why would you have Arthfael to show you around?" She asked with a small smile on her face. Emyr did not even have to look at the taller male to tell that he was not amused with her mockery.

"Obviously our master wanted an elite to show him around, a lot better a choice than someone of your status." He smirked. Eira seemed unfazed by his comment and instead smirk.

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