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Malia's POV

Its been weeks since i first found my furry friend and now hes stuck to my hip like glue.

He follows me everywhere he can see, he getting worse than my own mate who is loosing hes mind slowly thinking about Scott and also Chase.

Cam kept to hes word and when we came back from shopping for Hunter's things we told Chase.


"Chase meet me in the office when your finished here"" he nodded to the food and also half of the sandwich that was in hes mouth.

"Cant you wait?" he speaks with hes mouth full which made me scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"No, bring the damn sandwich if your that bothered" Cam snapped at Chase and it made me up in shock of my mates raised voice.

I took hold of hes arm and looked at Chase.

"Finish your sandwich Chase then take your time before you come and meet us in the office please" i spoke softly as i saw him nod and then i dragged Cam to the office.

"What the hell was that?" i glared as he growled at me.

"You was right, we should have told him the truth from day one" he growls under he's breath.

"And that gives you the right to be an arsewipe?" I snapped at him angry that he just treated he's best friend like that.

"Dont you dare talk to me like that i dont let my pack do it and i wont have you disrespect me either" he growled in my face as i looked at him and saw hes pitch back eye which told me that it was hes wolf in control and he was glaring at me.

And i couldnt help but glare back and then i lifted my hand up in the air and thats when the room shaking to shake by the force of my magic and when i started to feel disappointed that this what all i could do then things started flying around the room hitting my mate all over.

"Stop it Lee!" Cam shouted at me and it just made me even madder.

"No, take back what you just said" i know how it must sound like a spoilt brat but i didnt care.

"No!" he growled as objects started being thrown at him full force.

"Then i cant stop it" and then i pointed my hand at him and then he began lifting off the ground.

"Woah, put me down!" he shouted at me as i looked at him with a tear that escaped and started rolling down my cheek as soon Cam saw it he sniffed in shock and then he eyes softened at me.

"Would you hurt me if i disrespected you?" i whispered knowing my full voice would be able to survive it louder.

"Malia, put me down please" he asks quietly and thats when i dropped my hand and heard a thud telling me that he was on the floor.

"Im so sorry baby, i never meant to make you cry" he arms were around me before i knew it i was like one of Chase's sandwich all squashed and melting at the sweet nothing that he was whispering into my ear trying to stop me from crying.

"Im sorry..." he whispers over and over again like no matter how many times he would say it he thought it would change something.

"I..." just when i was about to talk there was a knock on the door which caused Cam to growl again which made me to keep hold on him.

"Behave" i whispers to him and kisses hes cheek.

"Come in Chase" i smiles and he opens the door with hes eyes closed and came stumbling into the room and even walked into the wall and fell on hes arse in the process.

"Ouch" he mumbles to himself and i couldnt hold it in anymore and burst out laughing very loudly.

"Hey..." he looks at me pouting.

"Alright, back to work" Cam says as i looked and saw the amusement dancing in hes eyes but then as my face fell as I remembered what he just did and I looked away.

"What is this all about Cameron?"Chase asked clearing confused about why he was called into the alpha's office.

"Take a seat" Cam offered him to sit down knowing that this might be hard for him.

"I dont want to sit down, just tell me Cameron" he said still standing.

"Your brother is back."


After that day every time i would see Chase i saw guilt in hes eyes which told me that he blamed himself for what hes brother nearly did to me and Cam.

Hunter has started to be very protective over me, the only person he would let near me was Cam and even then only at a safe distant and if he goes over the border Hunter snaps.

"Baby?!" i heard Cam's voice shout out for me which made me start running toward hes voice with Hunter hot of my heel.

"Cammy!" i screamed out in delight of seeing my mate.

"Hey baby" he laughs and wraps hes arms around me tightly.

"Welcome home" i whispers into hes ear.

Cam had to leave because a pack was attack and he knew it was Scott that caused it so he went there and offered to protect everyone in hes pack if they fight together against Scoot and the rogues.

"How did it go?" i asked nervously as i was worried about our life and others that will be getting pulled into all this.

"They agreed" he says obviously upset that i made him ask for help from other packs.

"Hunter come" i spoke to my puppy and he began walking beside me as we walked to our bedroom which made Hunter stop and guard the door which he taught him.

"Good boy" i bent down and kissed the top of hes fluffy head and then patted him before walking into our bedroom.

"You spoil him" Cam shook hes head amused.

"Awww is someone jealous?" moking him which cause him to growl and pulled me underneath him as he looks down and looks at me.

"I fell deprived" he whispers as i heard hes voice became more huskier telling me that something was about to happen i looked at him and saw full blown lust telling me that he wanted it but he didnt want to push me into anything but i knew this is right and he was the one i wanted all my life so i leaned up and kissed him trying to get him in the mood.

"Stop..." he pulled away as i whimpered at the rejection.

"I want you to be sure..." he looks at me in pain.

"I am sure, i want to be yours Cam" i spoke breathlessly as i looked into hes eyes telling him with my eyes that i was ready to be he's.

He gently moved and kisses me gulping for air and then slowly started taking my clothes off and hes also and then he started touching me and making my life blessful....


The Alpha And The Witch #Book 4Where stories live. Discover now