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Because I'm young they assume I know nothing. They don't see the scars people have left on my young mind. They don't see the scars I've left on my own skin. They don't know the tears streaming down my face. They haven't become familiar with the feeling of hopelessness that comes when no one listens. They push my worries out of the way, saying it'll get better when I'm older. Saying I know nothing about real problems. They don't know that I can hear them when they talk. They don't know me. Even when they insist they do. They can't possibly understand what I'm going through. Because they haven't lived in a world where teenagers kill themselves every single day, they never lived in a world where you can do something that will stay forever. They lived a life where they can make a mistake and it would fade. 

They have problems that they think are so big. Money, politics, pain. They don't see my struggles.

When they ask, what's wrong. I don't lie when I say nothing. I've gotten so good at pretending I've fooled myself into thinking I'm fine.

I'm not fine. I might have been once. Not anymore. Not for a while now. Will I ever be okay?

I don't think so. But I'm going to try. I might not be perfect, but I'm enough. If not for them, if not for you, at least I'm enough for myself.

I'm here, and for now, that's enough. 

I'm not going to give up. Because I'm fucking strong, even when I forget. So don't you forget.

-Written by Grey Hollow

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