Dear diary wow amazing

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Dear dumb diary,
Today I met the most amazing boy his name was Chayse he is funny, kind, smart and ahhhhhhhhh I don't know amazing. He's quite naughty for the teacher though but boys like that seem to catch my attention. don't u think oh and did I mention I have a crush on him oh and did I say I met these really kind friends. named gigi Lexie katy and izzi they're lovely I really like them I hope I can become really good friends with them. We have a teacher called Mrs fletcher she's strict but sometimes only for the right reasons we get along so I don't normally get told off but sometimes there r otherness of the class that she goes a bit OTT with. anyway better get going I just got a text from Lexie to see if we wanted to hang out at the park.
Saphire xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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