Chapter 1

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HI I'm Y/N Debnam-Carey and I know what you're thinking and yes I'm the twin sister of Alycia debnam-carey.We both are 19 and a mess when we are together our girlfriends are really the only ones that can keep us in place. I know you're probably wondering who is your girlfriend. Well she is the one and Only Lauren Jauregui. Well to me the one and only she isn't famous but she is going on the X-factor tomorrow. Her dream is to become a Famous solo artist. Alycia Eliza and I keep telling she'll definitely make it but she doesn't believe. Who's Eliza you ask well she is my sisters girlfriend and more like my sister which people might find weird since shes dating my actual sister but who cares. Anyways back to what I was doing I just got out the shower and got ready to go to the Jauregui household.

 Anyways back to what I was doing I just got out the shower and got ready to go to the Jauregui household

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I knocked on the Jauregui household door and Mama J opened it.
"Oh hey Y/N." Mama J says then hugs me
"Hey Mama J."I say and hug her back
"I told you to stop knocking everytime you come over you practically live here."Mama J says laughing
"Well I would feel rude just walking in."I say walking inside
"You don't feel weird doing it when Mike and I aren't here."Mama J says making me blush
"Okay next time I'll just walk in."I say walking towards the stairs to go to Lauren's room
"Y/N."Mama J says making me stop and turn towards her
"Yes?"I ask
"Shes freaking out about Tomorrow." Mama J says making me confused
"Why she's an Amazing singer if Simon and them don't like her thats their problem."I say truthfully
"Thats what I told her but she's not listening."Mama J says sighing
"Alright I'll talk to her."I say and walk up the stairs. When I was walking to her room I was thinking how lucky I am to be dating this beautiful crazy headed girl. Most people judge us since I'm 19 and shes 16 but its only three years so really shouldn't matter. I think its mostly because we started dating when she was 12 and I was 15 but I don't reallt care what they our familes said it was okay. I walked into her room seeing her pacing back and forth I smile and shut the door walking over to her grabbing her arm making her stop she freaks out at first not expecting someone to grab her but calms down when she sees its me. She wraps her arms around my neck and I put mine on her hips.
"Mama J told me you're freaking out there's nothing to freak out about you're an amazing singer." I say smiling at her
"What if they don't like me."She says kind of freaking out.
"Well babygirl thats their problem."I say truthfully
"No it will be my problem to because then I will be embarrassed on live TV."Lauren says looking down sighing
"Baby you're not gonna be embarrassed they will love you just like I do."I say grabbing her chin making her look up at me.
"I love you so much."Lauren says smiling
"I love you so much more."I say then lean in and kiss her and as we're kissing my phone rings and I groan pulling away making her laugh. I takes my phone out seeing who it was and its my twin sister.
"Fire starter🔥❤️ is calling. I laugh at her contact name remebering how and why I gave her that nickname and then I answer it.
"Hey what's up?"I ask sitting on Laurens bed with my feet out infront of me crossed and my back against the head board
"I lost Eliza."Alycia says freaking out.
"Y'all broke up?"I ask kind of scared
"What No she slapped our waitress then ran off."Alcyia says making me sigh on relief
"why did she do that?"I ask trying not to laugh
"I took her out on a date but the waitress kept flirting with me but Eliza just let it go knowing I only have eyes for her but then the waitress rubbed my arm when giving me the check so Eliza slapped her and when I was about to ask Eliza if her hand was okay she ran off and now I'm freaking out because I can't find her"She says all in one breath. Lauren comes back and sits next to my feet om the edge of her bed.
"Okay calm down what's the one place Eliza goes everytime she needs to think."I say
"The park where we had our first kis."Alycia says excitedly
"There you go."I say smiling
"Thank you so much troublemaker I love you so much."Alycia says making me laugh
"No problem fire starter and I love you too."I say then hang up and Lauren climbs into my lap putting her arms around my necks and I put my hands on her thighs and rub them up and down.
"What's going on?"Lauren asked making me look up at her
"Long story short Eliza got jealous of the waitress and slapped her but ran away before Alycia could even say anything."I say sighing
"OH. Well Eliza has been my best friend since birth so I know she's probably scared Alycia is gonna yell at her."Lauren says truthfully
"I know but they started dating the same day we did she should know Alycia isn't like that."I say
"I know baby but it's Eliza we're talking about here."Lauren says laughing making me laugh to
"Yeah you're right."I say catching my breath
"Now I want to know why do you and Alycia call each other Fire starter and Troublemaker?"Lauren asks
"Its a funny story."I say laughing again
"Well I want to know."Lauren says smiling
"Okay we were around 10 or 11."I say
Alycia:Watch this I saw this on youtube*She puts aluminum foil in the microwave and it catches on fire and yall freak out and unplug the microwave and throw it into the neighbors yard and yall both sigh in relief**But the neighbors and yalls mom walk out the house heating a bang*
Leone:Y/N and Alycia Debnam-Carey
Both:Uh oh
Leone:What happened and why is our Microwave in Max and Carrie's yard
Y/N:Alycia saw people put aluminum foil in the microwave and it supposed to not catch on fire but it did so I freaked out and threw it but it ended up in their yard I'm sorry
Max:Its okay just throw it away and don't put nothing else besdies food in the microwave*He laughs**After picking it up*
Y/N:I'm gonna stary calling you fire starter
Alycia:The I'll call you Trouble maker
Y/N:What why
Alycia:Because You didn't do throw it in their yard on accident you thought mom was gone and you were gonna try and start trouble bewteen them
As I finish the story Lauren is laughing her ass off she almost falls off my lap but I wrap my arms around her waist tighter.
"Y'all are both idioits."Lauren says catching her breath
"Jeez thanks babe."I say rolling my eyes and kiss her making her smile
"You're welcome."Lauren says Sarcastically I roll my eyes again and fake laugh.
"But baby you look really good today."I say wanting to change the subject
"Well thank you baby."She says smiling


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I don't know if anyone will read this but if someome does hope you're enjoying it.  Have a good day

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