And A Cold Rain Fell

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If only it had been a easy as he said it was. The frenzy feel, the crowding, that demon Komui, the headquarters of the Black Order was almost like a carnival, minus the fun.

I sigh one of my heavy sighs and place a cigarette between my lips and light it expertly. I've been here for three solid months, but I still haven't even gotten a mission. And as a finder, it was unheard of. I still couldn't believe that I was just a lousy finder. It was low, the bottom of the food chain around here. I was a weakling, even if I was the daughter of Marian Cross. But lineage meant nothing around here. To the exorcists, especially that Kanda jackass, I was just another sheep of the herd.

It pissed me off.

I take a long drag and blow the smoke out slowly, watching it disturb the air. If only that idiot father of mine had let me stay with him. So what if he was almost never there? So what if he always had those whores around. He was my father, my family. Being with him was much better than having hundreds of people around me and still feeling alone.

Another drag. Another empty thought.

I had left the bustling cafeteria behind and settled for a nice strong oak to sit under. Much better than pretending to be interested in people I couldn't care less about. Moonlight spilled through the broad leaves of the tree and brightened the surrounding landscape. For being in England, the scenery around the headquarters was actually quite beautiful, all except that daunting cliff wall. I was used to having England being dirty and foul, but the jasmine and violet buds in the meadow made me skeptical. Was this really England?

I finish my cigarette and brush myself off as I stand up. It was late. Most of the order would probably already be asleep by now. With my luck, nobody would be there to let me back inside. I tugged on the black ribbon that kept my glossy red hair up in a ponytail and sigh as my hair is released, the cool silky touch cascading down on my shoulders. Off in the distance, I heard a wolf howl. I started my way up the path to the Black Order, kicking pebbles out of my way and staring at my feet. The doors, as I had expected, were locked, but even so, my heart dropped suddenly to my feet as I pulled on the handle only to hear a click as it stopped.

I thought about being angry, about busting down the door with that superhuman gorilla strength girls got when they were pissed; but instead, I just rested my forehead on the cold steel in silent defeat. I probably would have stayed there for hours if, as if on que, a raindrop pelted the top of my head. I looked up at the sky and saw gray clouds, swelling with rainwater. A clap of thunder.

You have got to be kidding me.

Because the Black Order was to cheap to provide roof ledges, I ended up being fully exposed to the rain as I pounded furiously on the door. Within a matter of seconds, the light drizzle became a downpour, and for a fleeting moment, I cursed everything that had ever come into existence. My hair and clothes were already drenched, and the rain was beating down so hard, I doubted anyone heard my frantic pounding on the door.

I was wrong.

No sooner had the thought crossed my mine did i hear a clicking sound from the door. My fist froze in mid-air, as the door is flung open and a ivory haired boy stares at me, looking a bit surprised. My fist hovered a few inches away from his delicate looking face, and I quickly let it drop as I rush inside. My uniform was dripping all over the marble floor, and I stripped off my jacket and wring out my hair. The chill was starting to set in, and goose flesh rose on my arms.

"Um...are you okay? How long were you out there?" A shy voice asks from behind as I hear the door click back in place. Wiping water from my face, I turn to my savior. He was about an inch shorter than me, with white blond hair and blue eyes. A scar slashed through his left eye, with an inverse star at the top. I recognized him immediately as the new exorcist, Allen Walker. I cursed my luck. Out of all the people that could have possibly let me in, it had to be an exorcist.

"I'm fine." I say gruffly, but the chatter of my teeth made it's presence known anyway. Allen cocks his head to the side, then whips off his jacket and throws it over my shoulders. Warmth began to spread through my body, and I relished the feel for about half a second. There was no way he just did that. I get ready to bark at him. Exorcist or not, nobody treats me like a delicate flower, but then he gives me a smile that's even warmer than his jacket, and the words die on my lips.

"Your gonna catch a cold if you don't get warm soon. My names Allen, by the way. I'm new here." He says, holding out his hand for me to shake. I respond with a slight nod as I take his nimble hand in my own and give a little squeeze.

"I know who you are. Your an exorcist. I'm new here to. Three months." I mutter, avoiding eye contact. Allen smiles and gives a little nonchalant laugh.

"That's good. At least I'm not the only one." Allen laughs, and I let a bit of cheshire grin slip on to my face. He was sweet, a perfect gentlemen. Unlike that jerk, Kanda. I stoop down to pick up my dripping jacket, but he beats me to it. "Do you mind if I walk you back to your room," he asks as he gingerly holds the jacket with his fingertips. I felt warmth flood my face as a fierce blush spread across my features. I managed to splutter a yes as I turned my face so he wouldn't see my embarrassment. Living with Cross for a few years, and I already forgot what chivalry was.

We walked in an awkward silence until we came to my bedroom door. Allen looked a bit surprised, then pleased. "Oh, this is your room? I can't believe I never noticed you before, I mean, my room is just three doors down."

I laugh. "Well, I do have a tendency to avoid people, so it's not surprising." Allen looked at me suddenly, his eyes soft. He looked worried, but at the same time, curious. He parted his lips as if to say something, and just then, I noticed how sculpted his features where. Delicate, like porcelain or fancy china, but he also looked durable like leather. It was a unique combination of looks that strangely took my breath away. He certainly was a beautiful man.


A voice like the lightning outside, and both Allen and I whip our heads to it's source. It was a pretty girl with pale skin and silky black pigtails. A small smile rested on her pink lips as she gazed at Allen and I.

Allen smiled. "Oh! Hey, Lenalee. What are you doing here?"

Lenalee cocked her head in what looked like confusion. "Just stretching my legs. What about you?"

Allen grinned and scratched his head bashfully." Me? I'm just"

It suddenly occurs to me that I didn't give him my name, and I jump in and give him a hand." Allen was just walking me to my room. I kinda got locked outside in the rain." I say with a laugh. Lenalee's eyes trail to Allen's coat, still draped over my shoulders. I felt a buzzing in my head as I pull it off and give it back to Allen. Lenalee nods almost approvingly and claps her hands together, smiling. Allen gives me a small and apologetic smile.

"I had better go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye." I say, but he was already halfway down the hallway. In the opposite direction of where he said his room was. I feel my brow furrow in a mixture of annoyance and confusion. Opening the door to my bedroom, I'm greatest with the familiar scent of sugar and spice, and my bad mood instantly melts away. My bed, in all it's unmade glory, looked so inviting I almost cried, but what I wanted even more than to sleep was a shower. So I stripped my soaked clothes, tossed them in the waste basket, then turned the knob of the shower on full blast.

After my shower, I was throughly exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open. The warm water from the shower had only further advanced me in pre-hibernation, and I stumbled across my bedroom floor and into my bed. Soft blankets rubbed against my face as I lay my red hair flat and close my eyes.

I was out before my head hit the pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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