Chapter 1

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White. All I could see was white. White walls, white floors, white ceiling. I felt something cold and heavy around my ankles and wrists. What the hell. I thought  to myself as I realized that the cold heavy things around my ankles and wrists were chains. I was chained to one of the plain white walls.

I tried to scream, but found that I was unable. It was as if someone had pressed the "mute" button on my voice. How is this happening? There's no fucking way. I can't be trapped. I thought to myself.

I started to flail around, attempting to break free. I miserably failed. I scanned my surroundings to find anything other than chains and the blankness of the walls. I saw a silver latch, three of them, keeping something closed. A door, perhaps.

I waited, unsure for what, but I kept waiting in my cold, steel chains. Suddenly, after what must have been hours of drifting in and out of consciousness, the wall opposite of the wall I was chained to swung open, leaving an opening. In the middle of the room that the wall had revealed there was a podium with a mirror on top of it.

The chains suddenly released me and I dropped to the ground, unable to move my legs for a minute or so. About the same time I dropped, I heard a grunt along with chains clanging to the ground. As my legs slowly gained back their ability to movie I stood up to walk toward the podium. In the mirror I saw a girl, about 16 years old, with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes staring back at me. She had a small nose and big eyes, she also had freckles that spread from one cheek to her nose to the other cheek. After watching the girl move at the same moments as me, I realized that I was the girl in the mirror.

I pulled my attention away from the mirror and started in the direction of the grunt I heard earlier. At the same moment a boy appeared, looking as if he had the same plan as I did. He appeared to be around my age, possibly a little older. He had black messy hair and large, warm brown eyes. His jaw line looked as if it could draw blood if you touched it. He was gorgeous.

Who are you? I tried to say, but nothing came out. How did you just do that? I heard in my head. only it wasn't my voice, it was the voice of the boy I had locked eyes with. You can hear me? I tried to say, but again nothing came out. Yeah. What's going on? Who are you? Said the voice of the boy. I racked my brain trying to remember a detail from my life before I was in the white walled room, but only a few things came to me.
1: My name was Dakota
2: I was not here by choice
3 I had to get out, soon

Dakota. I said once again utilizing the telepathy we had. Who are you?

He looked up at me nervously and managed to telepathically utter:


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