Missing memories Chapter 6

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Sung Jinwoo sat onto his seat as he breathed out, tired from the first lesson he had on the first day of starting school. Sung Jinwoo glanced at an also breathless Yoo Joonghyuk who noticed Kim Dokja getting up and walking out of the room, Yoo Joonghyuk quickly composed himself as Sung Jinwoo did the same as they both walked quite a distance behind Kim Dokja.

In the far distance, Yoo Joongyuk and Sung Jinwoo saw Kim Dokja walk just around the corner and as they reached there Sung Jinwoo sees Kim Dokja sprinting towards somewhere towards a cloaked figure. 

Yoo Joonghyuk and Sung Jinwoo glared at each other before both running after Kim Dokja, after a while running Sung Jinwoo and Yoo Joonghyuk both see Kim Dokja suddenly collapsing and the cloaked figure slowing down before scooping Kim Dokja up into their hands. 

The anonymous figure ducked their head to cover Dokja's until they saw the incoming Yoo Joonghyuk and Sung Jinwoo.

Sparks of golden mana enveloped Kim Dokja and the figure as black and blue mana from Yoo Joonghyuk and Sung Jinwoo wafted dangerously and intimidating in the air, the figure with golden aura smirked at the two students as the figure jumped off of the school's building. 

They were nowhere to be seen.


A sharp pain appeared in Kim Dokja's head and he opened his eyes to find himself back in his dorm room, Kim Dokja felt a sense of Deja Vu and felt he had forgotten something important and was about to question what happened when his Guide's broken mechanical voice interrupted him.

[Sh ut up]

"... what?"

[D o  yo u wan t to  rem emb er?]

"Remember what-"

[H im]

'Him...? Who is this Guide even referring to-'

A flash of forgotten memories that were previously broken and hidden away appeared inside Kim Dokja's head like a film which caused Kim Dokja to fall painfully onto his knees, grasping his head that was ringing and hurting badly.

The memory of a hidden silhouette and the figure catching Kim Dokja resurfaced in Kim Dokja's mind, another memory that was not known to Kim Dokja also had surfaced with the rest which caused Kim Dokja to become flustered. The cloaked figure's aura was as beautiful, brilliant golden as the sun as the figure leaned down and... KISSED HIM???



Kim Dokja was still in a state of shock and confusion when the door of the dorm room busted open to reveal a panicking Sung Jinwoo who brightened up after seeing Kim Dokja and rushed over, jumping into Kim Dokja as he caught the man. Yoo Joonghyuk slowly arrived afterward with a look of envy (?) and concern.

"Dokja-ssi, where were you? Where is the clocked attacker? Hold on are you okay???"

Sung Jinwoo was acting like a worried puppy as Kim Dokja tried to calm the man down, Yoo Joonghyuk watched all of this with a frown on his face.

"Tch," Yoo Joonghyuk clicked his tongue before he strode towards the heir to the Shadow Monarch before grabbing onto his collar and picking him up, the heir did not take this well as a deep dark blue oozed out of his body while a pitch dark black also emitted from the prince of Leuxaim. "Let. Go. Of. Me."

Yoo Joonghyuk smirked as he started to emit even more pressure.


"You son of a-"

Kim Dokja quickly stood up and waved his hands frantically.

"Woah Woah Woah, let's calm down okay?"

This caused the two people fighting to pause and convinced Yoo Joonghyuk to set the other down onto the ground, grumbling in discontent as the heir to the Shadow Monarch eyed Yoo Joonghyuk.

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