Love in a forest part 2

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Soon they have fun it was nighttime the full moon was out stars rising up

Kaitou: wow stars are pretty *eyes dazzling*

T-bone: agree but not as pretty as you

Kaitou: awwww thanks sweetheart

T-bone: also that dinner you made was amazing since when you cook

Kaitou: uhhh like 2 weeks go I'm getting good at it

T-bone: yeah but I'm still hungry for something else

Kaitou: what's that?????

T-bone: something like a tasty and yummy treat that is sitting right beside me with those beautiful eyes~ *said it to his ear*

Kaitou: umm you still wanna do it again

T-bone: fuck yeah I do I'm ready

Kaitou: *sigh* ok fine Let me take my clothes off again but don't get me dirty ok

T-bone: will see about that babe~

Kaitou: mmm????

T-bone: *he instantly take off his clothes and his boyfriends too* sorry you was taking to long And my dick is ready for some pounding saw let's get started

Kaitou: ok I guess I have no choice *lays all the way back*

T-bone: want me to stick my bone nunchuck up your hole again

Kaitou: No

T-bone: I'll take that as a yes but this time I'm going pump it up a bit and I will smash you little harder harder

Kaitou: please don't do that please I had enough

T-bone: you agree to go on saw that's what we're goons to do~

Kaitou: I knew saying yes was a horrible idea

T-bone: yes it was you idiot but your my little cute idiot

Kaitou: yes whatever you say Pound the alarm on me

T-bone: huh pound the alarm that sounds good for smashing

He shove his bone nunchuck up his hole again and this time goes harder harder deep

T-bone: gah I'm trying my best to make it bigger

Kaitou: ahhh!~ *moans in a painful way* it's to much for me to handle stop now

T-bone: why should I *keeps going*

Kaitou: because it's killing me like for real stop

T-bone: you supposed to be enjoying this not company or whine do you want a another spanking~

Kaitou: yes yes anything but that just please get it out it hurts badly like you big cock!~

T-bone: now that's *stops* just little bit mean but I'll take it all baby~ *turned him around he going continue on tho he just giving him little punish*

Kaitou: do it again

T-bone: ok I will *spanks him hard and good super hard* that'll tech you to mess with daddy~

Kaitou: ohhh~ harder harder daddy please~ *moans out*

T-bone: oh ok last one ok *goes faster harder then stop* wow that's lot of marks more then last time~ alright now you ready to fuck or not

Kaitou: yes I'm ready *lay back down*

T-bone: good because I don't want waste this night *put his cock in and thrush him good* ok babe I'm going go easy ok

Kaitou: Gah I don't care what you do just make me feel good!~ *moans out*

T-bone: ok if that's your wish then ok your wish is granted~ *goes on making him feels good* ahhh~! To tight again and again are you that soft sweetheart! *moans*

Kaitou: no but sometimes yeah

As soon they was cum spilled over Kaitou face and someone all over T-bone all sticky and stuff also tasting each other cum seeing who's taste better

T-bone: mmmm your taste amazing~

Kaitou: your taste good too little sweet but good I need to get wash off but lucky there's a little lake over there saw if you want mine

Got over there to the little pond or lake and try get the cum off of him trying his best but T-bone had a another idea he goes in with him

Kaitou: ummm babe can I have private😅

T-bone: why there's only two of us~

Kaitou: I know I just like be alone

T-bone: I don't care I get beside when ever I want~ *lick his lips pull him closer to his face* I really don't care if you want to be alone I want to do you *soon kisses him on the lips*

Kaitou: mmmm~ *kisses back*

Soon they tongue fight and T-bone was winning and Kaitou losing soon pull away with Saliva

Kaitou: ahh~

T-bone: that's a good little puppy now let me help get that cum off you *but he was stroking his cock like a handjob* yeah that's a good little puppy~ *moans in a horny way* I should name you cupcake since you call me biscuit

Kaitou: when you was a dog I call you that but stop this is getting weird and uncomfortable now

T-bone: I'm sorry to hear that baby but this will hurt *bites him hard*

Kaitou: *screams* ahhhhhh! What was that for!!

T-bone: for being naughty a naughty little puppy but now your blood made me hungry *lick his blood up* there you go delicious

Kaitou: ok I think I'm done here *got up and sat under a tree*

T-bone: come on babe I'm just trying set the mood in *sit beside him* beside I want to do it because I love you and all

Kaitou: I love you too but this too much for me sorry

T-bone: I understand and I'm sorry for doing bad things to you and going little rough saw I apologize babe *looked sad*

Kaitou: don't be sorry it's our fault ok saw we forgive each other *kiss his cheek* since we're outside in the darkness I was wondering can we got couple more rounds until I pass out

T-bone: really well ok then if that's what you want then ok

They continue on and on until they passed out from all the heat

Kaitou: boy that was amazing

T-bone: fuck yeah we should do this every time wouldn't you say

Kaitou: yeah but let's get some sleep

They went inside there tent and went to sleep.

Croket! Meets Mysterious Joker T-bone x KaitouWhere stories live. Discover now