$imp #2

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2 Years Later

Forgive me, Midoriya-san...

You frowned as you left the classroom. Only you knew that something terrible was about to go down in that classroom, and you were leaving it alone. This scene doesn't need me in it, you reminded yourself as you exited the building. 

You stopped by the outside gates of your school, loitering to anyone who passed by, but you were waiting patiently for Midoriya. After a few moments passed, out came Midoriya cradling a burnt notebook and muttering small curses. He didn't notice you as he passed right by you without acknowledgment. 

"Hey," you called to him. He visibly flinched and turned to face you. He looked shocked as if he thought he was alone. 

"L/n-san! I'm sorry, I-I didn't see you there..!" he apologized sheepishly. "What are you still doing here, anyway?" he asked, suddenly curious. 

"We were assigned partners for a project, remember? I'd like to walk and arrange meet-up plans." you answered him in a simple, yet monotone voice. 

"Oh!" he became even more embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I forgot!" he excused himself. Silly goose, you light-heartedly teased him in your mind.

"It's alright. Let's get going though." you suggested. He nodded and followed you, though the route was to his neighborhood. 

As you walked, you exchanged numbers and discussed what days to meet and at whose house. You didn't acknowledge his sad look or even what took him so long in the classroom. You kept the focus solely on homework. The further you walked, you realized that you'd need to make up an excuse to leave because of what else was about to happen today. I could end this man's whole career. You thought, almost in amusement.

You stopped and reached into your bag, pulling out your phone and checking it like you just received a text. You indeed didn't receive a text. "Something just came up, I need to leave." you said suddenly, making your voice sound like it was urgent, which in a way, it kinda was. 

"Oh-" Midoriya looked surprised as you suddenly walked in the opposite direction. "okay..."

"I'll text you tonight when I can," you called back as you were leaving him behind.

It was hours until you knew it was over. You didn't need to check the news to know what was going on, you saw what happened long before. And what did you do while you knew two teenage boys were being terrorized and mentally scarred? Practiced your Uke, of course!

"You finally got what you long wished for, Midoriya-san," you said to yourself thoughtfully, a smile creeping on your lips. 

Remembering your promise to him, you reached for your phone and clicked on Midoriya's new contact. There were no conversations between you two, as it was a brand new number on your phone. You'd be the first to start a conversation.

you - 7:34 PM

I saw what happened on the news! Are you alright? 

You waited a few moments until you saw the little ellipsis dots working, indicating he was typing a response. 

Midoriya-san - 7:35 PM

Who is this?

You deadpanned at your phone screen. You could picture his little confused face right now, staring at his screen with hesitance. Did he really forget to put a contact name along with your number? Sighing, you explained it was you.  

Midoriya-san - 7:36 PM

Omg I'm so sorry! Yes...I'm fine :)

you - 7:36 PM

Good. I'm glad ur ok. Do u know how Bakugo-san is feeling abt it?

Midoriya-san - 7:37 PM

Well...I think it's safe to say he won't be acting much different at school...-_-'

Your smile widened slightly at your phone. An idea popped into your head, one you didn't consider much of how it would sound to Midoriya coming from you.

you - 7:38 PM

You were a real hero out there, man. I'm happy for you.

Read: 7:38 PM

Taisho Secrets:

- Y/n really did feel guilty for leaving Midoriya behind. Twice. 

- Y/n didn't worry much about Bakugo, however. 

- Y/n wants to start being friendlier with Midoriya now that the beginning plot point has taken place.

- Midoriya was so shaken up from the villain attack and All Might's encounter/offer he forgot all about Y/n promising to text him. 

- The author hesitated in using Japanese honorifics (let me know if you like them or not. I personally don't care to put them in, so if you guys don't want them added, I'll drop it).


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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