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-Dream's Pov/Point of view-

As soon as he left his friends House he then went back to the office because he forgot something. As he arrived he got out of the car running through doors and went to the elevator.

When he got up he went to his office and got the thing he forgot about and then went down using the elevator. He went to the other side of his cars door and put his stuff on top of George's folder, "George" he read the folder and realized it was the unfinished work of George so he quickly got in his car and drives straight to Nick's house.

He arrived then knocked in the door, "Nick? " Dream said while knocking, "wait! " He heard a voice, then Karl opened the door "oh hey Dream what brings you here? " Karl asked, "Is George awake? " Dream asked Karl, "im right here" George answered all the way back from the kitchen, "George you forgot your stuff" Dream told George, he then went in the house and went straight to the kitchen seeing a half sweaty and sleepy George holding a half empty bottle of Choco Milk.

-End of Pov-

"Oh shoot, thank you and I'm sorry you had to drive all the way here" George said embarrassed, "Dont need to be" Dream said, "You two love birds are just so aww" Karl and Nick teasing the two that are now flushed red even tho they couldn't see Dreams face they could totally tell if he was blushing.

"SapNap I am not Gay!" Dream told Nick but still looking down, "wow dude chill I didn't say anything about you being gay" Nick told Dream confused at the way he reacted usually Dream just brushes it off but this time it was different, "so Karl how did I get here again?" George asked Karl "I uh carried you" Dream answered the question even tho he wasn't the one who was asked.

"I uhm I dont know what to say Thank you?" George said now more redder than a tomato, "No prob" Dream said standing up and putting his hand out to help George stand up from his chair, George then grabbed his hand and stood up "Thank you again uh Dream", "Clay you can call me Clay" Dream said not knowing what he just said, "uhm Dream did you just tell George your Name" Nick asked confused on why did Just Dream tell his real name on a new guy he just met.

Dream didn't realized on how fast he is falling for this gorgeous British Man, "uh yeah i did" Dream said stuttering, He just told a stranger his real name a Guy he just met a few hours ago. "I should probably head out, you guy's have a nice evening and by the way Nick you should clean your shirt it's full of cum" Dream said while giggling at what he just said, Nick then quickly took off his shirt and went to Karl and His bedroom, "BYE DREAM!!! " Nick shouted as he was in the bedroom changing into fresh clean clothes.

Dream had already left. "So George whatcha think about Dweam hm?" Karl asked the confused George. What just happened am I falling in love with a guy eww no what's wrong with me I don't know what to do know I'm all red and sweaty, "Gogy you still there?" Karl asking while snapping his fingers in front of the Man who was staring at the wall, George snapped out off his head and went back to reality, "uh what did you say?" George asked Karl still wandering around his head if he was really falling in love with a faceless Man, "I said what do you think about Dream? " Karl asked George again cuz the first time he asked he didn't answer, "Uhm his cute- uh I mean cute like i uhm uh" George said while stuttering and started to be red again and sweating like if he was in a sauna, "is it just me or is it hot in here?" George said trying to change the topic but Karl isn't deaf so he heard everything.

"Oh you think Dream is cute hmm, oh Nick come here I need to tell you something" Karl said while calling his boyfriend who was clearly busy cleaning the couch "Coming" Nick said, as Nick arrived Karl then pulled him and told what George just said while George was watching them whisper in their ears, "oh George it's okay he is cute under that mask I promise" Nick said teasing the sweaty tomato Man known as George as he is blushing really red right now.

George just stayed quiet, "oh George don't be shy it's okay we're your friends and we won't tell him we promise" Karl said while elbowing his boyfriend, "Yeah he is cute okay, now excuse me cuz I need to sleep I still have work tomorrow" George said really annoyed at the two who were laughing, George stood up and went straight to his room ignoring the two who were still laughing loudly.

As soon he entered his room his phone started to ring he didn't want to pick up but as soon as he saw the caller ID he immediately answered "Hey Wil I miss you", "I miss you to gogy, by the way I have a surprise for you gogy" Wilbur said, "what is it?" George asked, "how can it be a surprise if i will tell you hm?" Wil told George who really wanted to know but can't cuz its gonna be a 'surprise'.

Wilbur and George talked through the phone for several hours. George didn't realize that it's almost time to get up so he told Wil he's gotta go,"bye Wil love you", "love you too man I promise you this surprise will be the best ever" Wil said, "just to be sure will it involve rats?" George asked while making a face, "It will not I promise" Wil said reassuring George that there will be no rats ot anything related to animals. "okay bye then" George saying his final goodbyes "bye gogy see you soon". 'See you soon what did he mean by that?' George asked himself before getting up his bed, he might just be playing with me.

He got out of his room cooked breakfast for everyone, "Nick breakfast is ready" George exclaimed, he got no answer so he goes to Karl and Nick's bedroom knocking on the door loudly "Hey Nick!" he said "come on I don't wanna be late".

The door was unlocking so he went back a few steps and saw a sleepy Nick, "Goodmorning Nick" He greeted the sleepy man, "Yeah Mornin" Nick replied while yawning, "George I think I'm not gonna go to work today, I'll just give you a ride there and tell Dream that Nick is sick" Nick said while chewing his food, "Are you really sick or you just don't want to go to work?" George asked hoping for a truthful answer, "I don't want to go to work today, Please Goerge" Nick begged to him to tell Dream a lie, "okay" George sighed giving up on telling Nick to work, "thank you gogy" Nick stood up and gave him a tight hug, "I can bar-ely br-eath" George said hoping Nick would release him from the bear hug.

They were done eating Nick went back to his bedroom, and George did to. He went to his closet and chose a white buttoned up polo and a blue tie and a pair of black pants. He went to the bathroom turned on the shower waiting for it to become warm, the water was now warm he went in and took a fresh bath. He then applied his favorite strawberry shampoo, 'what am I gonna do without you' he said to himself while applying more.

He was done bathing and went out freshly cleaned smelling like a strawberry, "let's go" he said looking for his black shoes. "Nick" he was waiting impatiently so he decided to go out and wait for Nick outside. He watched a moving truck park beside their house 'new neighbors' he said but when another car parked he was surprised who it was "Wilbur?".

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